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Eliazabeth's POV

And the day repeats again...

I drag myself down the large staircase while I'm still in my pajamas. Last night was one of those high alone nights where my meals for the night are cannabis and electronic cigarettes. Ironic isn't it, I got grounded and pulled out of school for having weed and drugs in my room- yet that's what I do every night.

I itched my hair and tapped my cheeks a couple of times before inviting myself into the dining room.

"Goodmorning mom, good morning dad" I say gaily. It's either a cheerful morning greeting or boarding school. The rules in this house are stupid, I agree.

My mom sends a short grin to me before she continues to cut up foods for breakfast and my dad is helping her set the table with already finished items.

"The time is ten a.m Eliazabeth Campos and you are just getting out of bed" my mom exclaims with a knife in her hand, "be careful mom" I turn around and roll my eyes more to myself than her actually.

My dad gives me a tray with hawain bread rolls, "is anyone coming over?" there is so much food for only the three of us and it's not like I have a sibling who's coming back from school for a break.

They decide to ignore my question and I do not bother repeating it. We arrange ourselves on the dining table. Since we are a small family, there are two dining tables, one formal one for bigger family events and an informal one for us to have meals on.

My parents sit at one edge of the table while I sit farther away from them.

"It's high time Eliazabeth starts going out to school again, don't you think so Charles?" my mom asks my dad. I continue eating and pretend like my ears are not desperately wishing to make him speak.

He looks at me and back at my mom, then nods and continues eating.

"I think-- I think I should go back to school" I say with uncertainty and my parents stare at me like they expected me to just remain quiet as they talk about my life.

"And why so Eliazabeth, you had drugs....drugs in your room for goodness sake" he bangs the table and storms away to the kitchen.

My mom just rests her chin on the back of her palms while she sips her tea, some footsteps arrive under the arch entrance of the dining room.

Wait a minute, that's..

that's Violet

We do not have the best dynamic even as cousins who are the same age and was born the same month with a close day of birth.

"Good Morning everyone" she waves at my mom and then at me. I turn to my mom and whisper in an extremely low voice that comes out more like a mouth wording, "when did she get here?"

"I came last night, did not want to wake you up" she says cheerfully and I want to puke from the 'nice act'.

"Charles and I are going for a political gathering which is more like a party but you two are coming, and your outfits have to be white" and with that statement she resumes scrolling through her phone and Violet and I do the same.

Grace's POV

"Has anyone seen my Bottega handle bag, it's white?" I run out to the backyard where my mom is soaking in the sun with Rachel.

"You bought a Bottega bag and didn't get one for me?" Rachel expresses a fake hurt. I know she is not a big fan of designers or high fashion, she rather go shop at small boutiques.

"Mom?" she finally looked up at me, "How would I know, honey I don't use cheap bags" I let out a desperate sigh, "mom two thousand dollars for a purse is not cheap" and walked back into the house.

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