(19)~part 2

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*you can play the song above*

"Hey man" Trevan taps me on my shoulder, "Yeah hey" he knows I'm aware of what he's here for.

"Nice to see you here" I know he doesn't mean that, just trying to be his nice self. "Any problem?" I cut to the chase and went straight to the point. He laughs, "Look man, I've seen you all around Gracie, just letting you know that you have to back off" he gets serious.

I take a glass of wine from the waiter passing by, "I'm sorry I don't know what your point is" acting clueless. "Look cut the shit, I'm not gonna stand here and watch you hurt her by trying to show interest then dipping the next moment"

"Who said I was going to do that?" I question him, "Gracie isn't ready for a relationship, she needs space. Before you came, she went through a toxic breakup, so let her be" he finishes and begins to walk away.

She never told me about any ex-boyfriend, it's not like she was obliged to. It's just that, I wish I had known. "I'm not going to do that, I'll stay away from her if you think that's best and I know you like her so, I'm out" he turns around surprised.

"Are you really serious?"

"Deadass serious" he gives me a tight smile, "we should get on good terms, at least for the team" I contemplate it for a while thinking about her. She would be happy if I finally stop hating him

"For the team" we shake hands. Cindy comes to meet us, "Gracie, is going up to auction the necklace, just to let you two know". He leaves with her and I take another glass before going after them.

Gracie's POV

As I stand on the stage with the lights piercing through my eyes. My parents are standing at the front of the group of people watching me, my mom looks so proud, for some reason and Andrew just keeps teasing Rachel, while she's trying hard to ignore him.

Then I see him, walking toward everyone, he's eyes are on the floor and his shoulders slumped. He finally looks up at me and gives me a tight smile, I do the same and look away.

The auctioneer starts the bid,

"$50,000" please that's too cheap

"$70,000" that's like a hundred dollar difference

"$150,000" oh that went fast

"$250,000" ok we are going somewhere

"$390,000" wow that's a lot, "$390,000, going?"

"$500,000" everyone turns round to the brown haired guy, he stares at me deeply.

"Going..." the auctioneer drags it, "gone"

I walk down the stage to meet him, "Aaron why did you say that?, this is serious" hoping this isn't one of his jokes.

"Baby, I won't be paying five hundred thousand for a necklace as a joke" every older person who walked by, stared at us. "So you're drunk?" he's mood changes, "why do you think I am drunk Grace, what's wrong with me buying the necklace? If I remember, it was auctioned, so it gets bought" his voice is dangerously low and husky, he used his fingers to trace around the necklace,teasing my skin.

I push his hands away, "okay that's enough Aaron, I get your point" he smirks and spins me around carefully, to remove it.

He places the necklace back in the box and the man carries it away, "come with me" I see Cindy beside me but he pulls me away before she notices our presence. We walk up the stairs, "are you kidnapping me?" I take calculated steps as I walk on the stairs. "If I wanted to kidnap you, do you think it would be like this?" that didn't make sense to me, but okay?

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