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It's finally Christmas, and we finally get to go for our trip to Colorado.

The last couple of weeks have consisted of going shopping with the girls, stuffing myself in homework and volunteering. As for school, the group is keeping me sane except Aaron, obviously. Andrew came back home for christmas break and only stayed at home for the three days leading to this night, which is christmas day and he left this noon with Rachel to an Airbnb.

My bags are packed and I'm waiting in the back of the car patiently for Cindy. I checked the time on my phone and kept it back on the seat beside me, a couple texts comes in from Marilla

Marilla: how many minutes left for you to get here?

Me: like an hour with how fast Cindy is hurrying

Marilla: well i'll the tell the others that you guys would be here in an hour and half

The door opened up and revealed a very stressed blonde by the door frame, "sorry some last minute changes" she got into the car and relaxed into the chair, breathing heavily. "Are you okay?" I stroke her hair back, "yeah I am" well that's' weird.

"I really am fine, I just did last minute parking" my mouth went agape. She promised me that she would park early this time because she always gets it done late.

We dropped the topic once the car drove off.

Once we get into the jet, the voices are loud that I could put a name to every single one. Jake is the first to acknowledge my presence, "finally, I was about to bust a nut" everyone scrunch their faces up in disgust at Aarington's words, sometimes he just says things and I wonder how he's not in a psychiatric hospital yet.

I hugged Marrilla and Eliaza, Eliaza looks beautiful as usual, her skin is glowing and her hairstyle is different. Aaron walked out from the bathroom behind them, he looked somewhat exhausted as he ran his fingers through his hair before taking a seat at the spot he was standing.

A pair of arms wrap around my waist and nuzzle his face in my neck, "Hi Trev" he turns to face me before placing a kiss on my cheek. I noticed Aaron's stare once Trevon did that, he's not even trying to hide it, "Gracie, where's my greeting?" his famous smirk appeared once again and I try to ignore him by walking away with Trevon to the other side of the row.

The pilot announces that it's time to take-off, so we scurry to our seats. I grabbed a bottle of champagne and a glass to drown myself in for the next five hours.

It doesn't take long before everyone sleeps off and leaves me wide awake, Marilla is laying on her head on my shoulder, so I adjust her carefully before getting up to use the restroom. As I pass by Aaron, he's sleeping too, he looks peaceful and delicate. His hair is sprawled all over his face and his chest is rising normally as he takes each breath. I don't know long I stayed staring at him till a large hand grabbed my wrist, "what are you doing?"

"He just looks calm unlike the gloomy boy you see at school" I whisper to Trevon before looking back at him. "Yeah but from my experience, he is different now and actually a good person" I laugh internally at his words, "that is why it's called experience because that's not the same thing I can testify about him".

He walked back to his seat and I left for the bathroom.

I adjust the ankle of my sweatpants and pull up the hoodie, washed my hands then cleaned it before taking a step out and shutting the door. A hand clamp on my mouth, and I'm done with the surprise out of nowhere. It's probably Sean or Advick, Aarington is too much of a deep sleeper to be pretending to kidnap someone in the middle of the night.

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