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It's tis the season. No not Christmas but instead, college applications. It's the season where you strive to look like you are having your best time with no care in the world, on social media, while you are striving and having sleepless nights figuring out the Common App essay that would cause you to stick out the best among thousands of other rich kids just like you. There is no option for applying late, early decisions are the only way to go, late decisions are for people who know they are getting rejected from all of their first choices.

With that aside, everyone wants to see what college they get into before December rolls by. They also want to see where their peers got into, and no it's not because they are happy for them, though that might be their third reason. The first reason is so they can compare it with theirs and see who got into the best ivy leagues and those who went to the 'second base ivies'. It can also show who paid to get in, were your parents rich enough to donate a million-dollar fund or building to get you into Harvard, or did you just get in with your perfect academic record. Both ways are completely applauded, as long as you get into the top-tier schools, because that is all that matters.

The fun part is that the Big Eight, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, and UPenn decisions do not come out until late March or April. Yet, the same cycle repeats itself every year.

In conclusion, it's a fun time for every upcoming senior.

With my eyes glued to my Macbook screen, I still noticed my mom as soon as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie" she comes over to stand beside me before giving me an air kiss on the side of my forehead.

"Hello mom, how was your day?" I click enter on the keyboard, this catches my mom's attention for some reason.

She squinted her eyes at my screen and her glasses dipped onto her nose, "I had a great time at the office, also I worked on some new cases.....is your college essay about the letter A?"

My lips form a straight line as I stare at my screen and back at her again, "Is this about Aaron?" Her eyebrows rise as she looks at me.

"No it's how the letter A is the letter to my soul, this is about you mom" I smile after she catches on. "Oh, sweetie!" She wraps her arms around my shoulder.

"You know the University of Miami is always on the table as an option, right?" I shake my head and pick up my laptop. "Mom, we are not doing this again."

"Doing what?" She walks over to the fridge and takes out a branch of grapes.

"Trying to convince me that UMiami is a great fit for me. It's not.." I flip my phone over because of the multiple notifications coming in from a group chat. I look back to my mom, "the atmosphere is not for me. You are alumni and you donate a lot to the school so I understand why you want me there. But no mom" she sighed then picked up her bowl of grapes.

As soon as she lifts her right index finger, her phone rings, "we will finish this later" she says as she walks off.

"There's nothing to finish" I whisper to myself.

I move over to the living room to sprawl myself across the couch and turn on South Park. For the past three weeks, I have gotten obsessed with it since everyone has been away this summer, including Aaron. He and his family traveled over to Brazil two weeks ago and I am already craving his presence again. He is also guilty of it too, he calls me every night before he goes to bed and tells me new things he learned that day. Then tells me how much he wishes I could appear beside him every night so he could place kisses on my face and tell me how much he loves me. I have no idea how we will survive a long-distance relationship, but let me not get ahead of myself.

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