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With the unfortunate event that occurred this last weekend, I deserve a goddamn break. In no way am I attempting to justify my recent behavior towards my friendship with Cindy, all I'm saying is that today needs to be my breakdown day.

Andrew is still at home and I am so tempted to ask why he isn't back at school preparing for his finals. When he and my parents came back home on Saturday night, he kept demanding that I tell him what is wrong.

For this evening, I decided to spend the rest of it at the golf course.

As I step out of the car, I grab my duffel bag from the passenger seat before opening up the trunk to get my golf bag.

There aren't many people here, majority are middle aged men and you might see a couple of housewives watching their husbands golf. As they stand around in groups, a lot of the wives are making connections in their favor.

"Grace!!" The lady walking towards me called.

I recognize her from the women group my mom is part of. I was told that she got kicked off for sharing the members personal lives to non-members.

Since then she's been giving a lot to the community and spending a lot of time at this golf course lately. She has a set of twins and two other younger kids that are in elementary school, the twins are a grade under me, both males. All I can say about them is; they both are a menace to society.

She walks up to me, her sweat towel draped around her neck, "are you.." her eyes squints before she uses one of her hands to give it shade, "are you here with your mother?"

"No ma'am" I send her a strained smile and proceed to excuse myself

After that, I leave for the reception so I can rent a golf cart. Usually Marilyn works on Mondays and weekends, so luckily I get to see her today.

"Hello ma'am how can I help you?" a young man probably in his late 20's or early 30's. Five minutes after and I am walking to where the golf carts are. It's like a fancy concession, most people who work in it are around my age, Marilyn is one of the girls I know in here.

"If it's not my favorite rich spoilt brat!" she throws her arms out to me and I do the same with a wide smile on my face. I miss her a lot, she went off to college last year to study marketing in hopes of owning or being a head of a hotel, she also wishes to travel around the world and maybe have her travel agency. When she was still in high school we had violin recitals together, that's where we first met each other.

We talk side by side to the back where the carts are.

She tells me how she decided to go fully online for her first year because her parents disapproved of her career dreams so she has to save up to pay for her tuition. "I know they'll sulk it up and pay for it but for now they aren't so a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do" she shrugs nonchalantly.

I take off my sunglasses, "so how is Kendall doing at Howard?" Kendall is her boyfriend, they started dating when she was in sophomore year and he was a junior. She wanted to go to Howard too but Florida State University was cheaper for her.

"He is thriving, I plan to visit him next month- oh yes are you still with that Simon guy?" she scrunches her face. Everyone tends to do that everytime they ask.

"We broke up last year" her face brightens up and the sun rays make her skin glisten. She has a spotless dark skin, her hair in an updo dreadlocks and she has a septum and nostril piercing, Marilyn is extremely gorgeous and it doesn't take a genius to see that.

A guy comes around, he is tall and skinny, his skin is well tanned and I can see a tattoo on the right side of neck.

"Bran this is my friend Grace, most people call her Gracie" she introduces me, "it's nice to meet more of Marilyn's pretty friends" my heart flutters at the little compliment.

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