(11)~White out

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It's currently six-thirty pm and I'm over at Cindy's house getting ready for tonight's game. We are going to cheer on Aarington and well look hot as fuck even if it's for ourselves. Tonight's theme is white out, I'm putting on a white ribbed crop vest and a white overall, with my hair in a bun and some curls left down. Cindy has on white bootcut pants and a white bodysuit, her hair is styled in waves.

"Hurry up Cindy, you dress up for so long like a grandma" well not our grandmas because they are still chics, mine is still in her early sixties.

She finally comes out of her closet and struts towards me, "how do I look?", "great now let's move, we need to pregame" I get off the bed to unplug my phone from the charger.

"It's always better to be fashionably late," Cindy says while we walk down the stairs, then straight to the kitchen to drink mimosas.

"Aarington just called, he said, we should get there in ten minutes" his text lights up my phone. "Well no mimosas then" she gets her keys and we leave.


Aarington and the guys are standing around their coach on the track, it looks like the game is about to begin. "Aaa," Cindy screams his name as we walk down the bleachers. He turns around and waves, then walk toward us, "Cindy and Gracie, I swear you guys are always late" yeah I know he's happy to see us. "You should be happy we didn't bail," I say back to him, "you could never" he fakes a girly hurt voice. "Please never do that again" Cindy is wheezing and so am I, "you did that so well, it looks too real" he just rolls his eyes, while he puts on his helmet. It's time for the band and dance team's performance, we do our handshake and wish him luck.

We get seated on the front side bleachers, which are closer to where the cheerleaders stand. Cindy leaves to get some snacks from the concession stand, while I save her spot. I caught a glimpse of Prissi staring at me from the third step of the bleachers, she looked pissed like literally a death stare.

"I got you weed brownies" Cindy announces beside me and a couple of people look at us. "What?" suppressing my laugh

"I wish they sold those but I got two chocolate chip cookies for you and a bottle of water, could have gotten sparkling water" she slides into her spot and hands me what she got. "Eww Andrew recently started to take sparkling water and that shit is just weird"

She and I are just lost in the noises around us, with the band and matching guard performing. "Is Trevon coming?" I saw his text, "he said he's here".

After a couple of minutes, I see Trev walking down to us and waving so he doesn't lose track of where we are seated, someone is trailing behind him. "what are you two up to?" He hugs me and places a light kiss on my forehead.

Eliaza is the girl that was behind him, she averts her eyes away from the scene on the field and back to us. "Hey guys"

We all settle in and after fifteen minutes, the game starts. "kids at this school are something else" El speaks up and we look at her, "I have a couple of thoughts supporting that claim but I'm just gonna shorten it and say, I agree" Cindy shrugs

"What happened?" I ask her,

"A girl named Luisa came to school today with drugs and the teacher saw it but he kept his mouth shut and so did the other students, I mean I wasn't going to rat her out but, How the hell do you make a teacher not say anything?" her voice becomes muffled at the end because of the bite she took from my cookie

"Yeah he's probably getting paid or they're sleeping together, there's no more to it," I tell her and Cindy nods her head

"That's so messed up" El adds

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