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Aaron's POV

As I clutch my head and adjust my eyes to the brightness of the room, I catch a glimpse of someone slumped on the couch beside my bedside.

My eyes trace the transparent tube running from my wrist to a bag with clear liquid in it.

"Brigham come get this shit out of me" Louis scrambles out of the chair in shock.

"Lorenzo you scared the shit out of me and no I'll get you a nurse instead" he taps my right leg and jogs out before I say one more word.

I take one more look around the room and myself, trying to figure out why I am here anyways. A nurse comes in, followed by Louis and he just stares at me while he repeatedly runs his hand through his face.


"Where is she?" I ask

"You've got to be more specific, you have a lot she's' in your life. Should I name-" he spreads out his fingers then folds them in

"No" i sigh but he proceeds anyway, "your mom, Lina, both grand moms, Gra-" he keeps on counting but I zone out and look back at the nurse

"I need to see Gracie, the girl I came in with yesterday" she smiles at me then moves closer to check my temperature.

The events of last night are kind of a blur, I can remember what happened leading to finding her on her bedroom floor but after that, everything else is history.

The nurse looks through the file report a while before glancing back at me then at it again. "I can't let you go without both doctor and an adult's permission, since you are-" she looks at the file again.

My lips press into a thin line and I nod, "a minor?". Louis is on the phone while she keeps listing reasons why she would not let me leave.

"The doctor will be here shortly, stay here!" even with the soft smile she gives, I know she actually means it. But I am Aaron D'Lorenzo, I could care less.

Louis looks between the door and me, "are we doing the right thing or the wrong thing?" both nervousness and excitement twinkle in his eyes.

"Dude the right thing, what else" our eyes locked before laughter filled the room. The needle in my wrist slides out carefully, I grab the cotton wool in the metallic tray on the side table and we rush to the door.

He walks ahead of me and gives me a quick check, "all clear!". We rush to the elevator nearby, "we don't even know her room" he says after clicking the button.

"Didn't you see them roll her in?" I ask him and my patience begins to run slowly as the elevator takes time.

"I did but I followed after you, Cindy went after her" he starts texting on his phone again. "I hope you are asking her that question right now"

"When I spoke to her this morning she sa-" my patience is down low at this point, "goddammnit, what the fuck is wrong with these machines" I punch the button aggressively again and it finally opens up.

"Lorenzo?" I stare at the people in the lift.

"Mom?" It was Aarington who actually said my name.

My mom steps out and wraps her arms around me immediately while my dad strokes her back. "Benício, you scared me, você é tão corajoso" she hugs me tighter then proceeds to give me her famous kisses on my cheeks.

(you are brave)

"Madre I'm fine" I spread my arms for her to take a look, "now you have seen me alive and well, is there any lecture you care to give" she rolls her eyes at me and moves to Louis. I hear her asking him about what happened since he is the responsible one and I can't help rolling my eyes back.

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