(42)~Partie 1

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"So what was the sushi question about?" I ask

He is laying on the bed with me on top of him, my knees are on each side of his thighs while fingers thread through his hair. Our faces are so close to each other that I can see every trace of his features and his hands are moving from my hair down to my waist consistently.

Last night was so good that I slept off in the bathtub, so he had to carry me out and then change me into one of his t-shirts. This morning after we woke up, well as usual, he was awake first then made breakfast for me before I finally had ten percent of re-charged energy.

"I was making up a password" he wipes my lips as he smiles.

"With my favorite sushi?" I smile before pecking his lips and tilting my head to the side, he nods then stretches up to kiss me.

We hear a knock on the door then it's followed by Noah's voice, "aye Aaron can I take your car out?"

I look down at him, he keeps eye contact with me as he shouts back a no. "Do it for Connor, he's riding with me" the place goes silent because none of them speak for at least a minute.

"Connor should drive" I whisper to him

"He's still not allowed to drive" he groans and I run my fingers through his hair again. Noah knocks again so I walk up to the door to answer him, "hey Noah" I greet him with a half smile.

He looks down at me then back up to meet my eyes, "thank God this room is soundproof" he murmurs

"Amen, now can you please leave and maybe use dad's car" Aaron tries to hold the door but Noah stops it, "wow, now you call him dad" this time Aaron shuts it in his face.

He picks me up and takes me to the bed, "did I leave any of my bikinis in here?" I ask him after he drops me down.

"The blue set, the night your car broke down" my mind takes a trace back to that night, I leave so many things here without realizing.

He goes to his closet to get it out, "thanks" and it's covered in his cologne. "Kinda want to take a plunge in the pool right now, what about you?"

Aaron's POV

"I get to spend more time with you and see you half naked, let's go with the rational answer" she yelps after I slap her butt.

She doesn't bother to move to the bathroom to change, she just takes off my t-shirt that she has on and puts on the bikini.

"Okay I'm ready" she tells me as I grab the sunscreen and towels. "Oouuu I never knew you had a vape or at least used one" she picks it up then plays it with her fingers before placing it on her lips as she looks at me.

I move closer to her, "just once in a while", she takes a hit then exhales it out of her lips and nostrils. She hands it to me, I take one hit before kissing her slowly, while the smoke moves in the space between us.

"Hey Connor!"

"What's up Gracie"

Noah walks out of the basement and to the kitchen with Connor behind him, I notice his eyes lingers on Gracie for a good amount of time until Noah catches onto it. He then looks at me then at Grace again before he whistles.

"Aaron please get your girl before she causes any more trouble" Noah eyes her as she takes a seat on one of the island chairs while I begin to make drinks for us. Grace is not going to let him live this down.

She swings some of her braids behind her before turning over to him, "if you can't control your dick just say that", the smoke seeps out of her lips as she maintains eye contact with him.

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