(34)~betrayed pt.2

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*a year ago*

Song- Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo

"Shut the door calmly for Christsake" I screamed at him from the position I stood at the top of the stairs. He walked to the middle where I could visibly see his whole figure, "Grace come down right this minute or else I will come over there" his voice echoed throughout the house.

My legs shook and I decided to pick the easiest option: run into my room and lock the door. Simon would ever lay a hand on me but today is my birthday and I will not stand to listen to his fake reasons on why he loves me and how we need to make amends.

The sound of his fists on the door began to cause a great headache for me so I went over to the bathroom mirror cabinet where I had multiple advils.

"Simon please stop, I want to be away from you today. Why can't you respect that?" I slid down the footrest of my bed and buried my face in between my arms and knees.

"Just listen to me Gracie, I swear I didn't cheat"

My phone starts ringing and it's from Aarington. He was coming over later to pick me up but right now I am just not feeling it.

After the traditional birthday breakfast brunch my family graces me with every April twenty-fourth since I was born, we usually go our different ways for the rest of the day so Andrew is at his James house with Reece. My parents went somewhere so I had the house all to myself until-

"Gracie please.." his voice took a calm tone before it increases, "just open the fucking door" the door knob tweaks violently.

I pick myself up from the door and swing the door open, we stare into each other's eyes before he pulls me in by my neck for a kiss. My lips refuse to move as tears threaten to fall out, "please leave" my sleeves sweep the tear at the mid of my cheek.

He watched me blankly and refused to move, "I meant what I said yesterday, I need a break"

"No you don't" he replies back

"Sorry excuse me" my voice spoke out boldly this time.

"So you can decide to take a break anytime you want but I can't? I am not the one who was sexting some other person when I'm clearly in a relationship" I hear the front door shut and we both look down at the same time.

"Gracie, Grace!!" Andrew's voice rings in my ears. I cursed under my breath as I ran down the stairs to him.

James is just entering the door after Reece, Andrew and Aarington were already at the foot of the stairs. "I have been calling you for an hour now" Aarington informs me as his eyes search around the house.

Andrew's eyes wandered around for a minute before they stayed still in one direction- up the stairs. "Why the hell is he in this house again?" he shouted but not directly at me more at himself because he always said Simon was a disgusting human but as usual I disagreed.

I follow after him into my room, Simon is sitting on my bed with his head in his palms before he realises who is hovering over him.

"Do you need me to spell out what 'I need a break' means with my fist?" Andrew clenched his collar and pulled him off the bed.

"Really Grace, you told the whole world that you are breaking up with me?" a smirk is plastered on his face as he cocked his neck towards my direction.

"I didn't break up with you" my voice came out so low that the 'you' sounded like a squeak. My thoughts linger on the idea of breaking up sounds like the best and healthiest option for me.

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