(37)~ Blacked out

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"Shit we're screwed" Sophia's voice bounces off the walls of the room.

Okay I'm out.

Quickly I shut the door and rush down the hallway. Prissi's voice calls behind me but all I am trying to do now is get to the back door safely without breaking down , call an uber and get myself home.

"Grace I'm not playing this game with you" I stop abruptly and turn to her

"Prissi I do not care about what you do okay, i just need to get home please" I feel my hands shaking and my eyes kinda spinning, the alcohol is kicking in.

She stares at me for a second, "Umm Grace? Are you okay?" she moves closer and wipes some tears away that I didn't even notice.


"Gracie?" she calls again but this time I pull her hands away and keep on walking. This time she doesn't follow after me.

I push the back door open, the cool breeze hits me as I order an uber. The process wasn't long but now I rather be inside than in this temperature. You would think the liquor would make me irresistible to the cold but it's like I am more open and vulnerable.

I rub both arms with the opposite hands attempting to warm up myself.

The back door opens up and I know who it is already, "Trevon I really don't want to talk to you any-" my voice instantly gets lost.

"Hey angel" Simon walks closer to me before taking my arm and pulling me into him. "You are cold, let's go inside" he holds the side of my face and takes my chin upward with his index finger, "were you waiting for anyone?"

I feel too weak to refuse his embrace or answer his question.

I shake my head and try to move his finger away but instead he holds my jaw tightly and smiles sheepishly at me.

"Your little bitch boys are done with you right" I attempt to push him away but he hold my waist tighter that I can't help but let out a wince.

He kisses the side of my face, "we can always be the power couple again" he kisses my jaw this time. He goes down to my neck and kisses me before choking me, "what do you say huh?".

I do not reply to him and his body motions tell me all that I need to know. He goes in to kiss me roughly as he gropes my butt.

I hear the door swing open and a punch lands on Simon's face, he still has his arm around me as he clutched his face.

"You fucking slut" he curses and stares at Prissi with spite.

She stepped closer to him and clutched his collar, "what kind of a man takes advantage of a girl when she's weak?" she slaps him this time.

My eyes are dizzy and I can not see clearly anymore, Simon takes his arm off and in that instant I lose my balance to find myself looking face to face with the ground.

Fuck, I'm bleeding

"Holy shit" Prissi squats down to check on me before facing Simon, "why are you standing there, go call someone" she screams

"Bitch are you crazy, if she dies it's on us" after saying that he runs back through the door.

"Please Gracie stay awake, please" she pleads as she checks my pulse, "i want to go home" I cry as my vision becomes more hazy.

She places her ear on my chest, "just wait here, I will go get someone okay" panic is written all over her face as she stands back up and runs inside.

My phone lights up and indicates that the uber is here so I call the number given and instruct him on where I am.

It hurts like hell but I struggle to lift myself up and walk sluggishly to where the car is parked.

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