(19)~part 1

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It's finally the day.

I'm walking around my upper room layer with my toothbrush in hand and a book in the other, looking for where to place it. I hear a knock, "who's it?" the spot where the book was taken out is still available, so I place it back.

"Grace" Rachel comes into the room and Andrew is behind her, "one second, let me get down" I walk down the stairs and run into her arms. "I miss you, like so bad" she's smiling so hard at my expression.

Andrew scoffs and jumps on my bed, "you act like you're the one dating her" I roll my eyes at him and pull the blanket away from his body.

"Get your ass out of my bed" she doesn't even bother adding into the argument, "you guys know it's time for breakfast now right?"

I keep hitting Andrew with the pillow, while my hair bounces and gets into my mouth, "stop it, stop" he blocks my continuous attack. "Fine I'll get out" he snatches the pillow from me and throws it into the room then storms out.

Rachel and I start laughing, "please you both still haven't grown out of your fights" she helps me dress the bed. "It was a surprise seeing you today" last year she didn't want to come for the ball and he basically had to go to her house begging her with roses and books she loved, just to get her to come with him. The deal breaker was, they weren't even dating yet, they were just getting to know each other. Now that is every girl's dream.

As we walk down the stairs, the conversation continues and she keeps me updated with everything going on.

The dog runs up to her, barking, "you guys got a dog?" she carries it up

I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water, "Not really, she's a foster dog, so she's not gonna be here permanently". She places the dog back down and takes a seat beside Andrew, he gives her a kiss.

"Eww please this is not the place, weirdos" my dad comes down the stairs, looking tired, "Good Morning dad" Andrew and I say in unison, while we Julia sets the meals down for breakfast. "Good Morning to you two" he gives me a kiss on my forehead and a pat at Andrew's back.

Rachel greets my dad, his reaction shows that he hadn't noticed her presence before now. "Hello Mr. Liam" she cheeses at him as Andrew sets her food down for her.

I tell Julia it's okay, that we can do the rest, so she leaves. We set down after I placed my dad's plate, "do you want extra bacon?" I ask him and he declines. "Where's your wife?" she takes a bite out of her toast.

He drops his phone, "she doesn't want to get out of bed, so I'll have to take the breakfast table to her" Lord can I have a healthy and loving relationship like my parents and Andrew and Rachel?

Once we are done, Rachel helps clean up while my dad takes some food up to my mom. "What about that guy you told me about?" damn Andrew and his running mouth, "I don't talk to him anymore" I slap bin cover down.

Rachel looks over to me noticing my mood change, Andrew doesn't notice because he's basically in the dining, asking me this question. "Andrew let her be," she tells him.

"Did I do anything?" he finishes his part of the cleaning, "yes, I told you later on that we should not talk about it again" he's gonna act like I never said that

"I swear you never said that" he acts clueless, "seriously Andrew" Rachel pulls him away.


My dress is hanging on a rack, while I'm running around and watching youtube tutorials to get my make-up perfectly done. I can't do perfect makeup to save my life. My jealousy for people who can get it done so easily and flawlessly, is extreme.

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