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*Gracie's POV*

It's been a week since my last interaction with Aaron, things have been getting better for me and my bruise also healed. Unfortunately, today wasn't among those good days, I've been crying for the last two hours, the tables in my room are occupied with small plates of anything I could find to eat but yet I only took a spoon or half out of all of them. I have already decided not to go to school today and I've texted Cindy not to worry about picking me up. I'm wearing Andrew's sweatshirt and one of his sweatpants too, because I rather not see how my body looks right now.

I open up my phone to see missed calls from Cindy and other notifications from other apps, before shutting it off and falling back down on the bed again with another round of tears.


"Grace Harris what the fuck is going on?" I had gone back to sleep after my morning fiasco, Cindy's voice blared into my room.

"Oh shit" she pauses at the door and takes a look around before landing her eyes on me. "Baby are you okay?" she runs to me and I feel a tear drop on my lips. "I'm a mess Cindy, a whole mess, I'm sorry" I made her skip school, her uniform is on which means she either has gone already or didn't go at all.

"I'm sorry I'm making you skip school" I look up at her, "it's here again right?"She ignores my statement and I nod in response. I raise myself up and rest on the headboard, "do you want to take a shower now?" she asks before getting up from her crouched position to pick up the plates in the room. "I can take care of that later" I say and she tells me to take a rest and avoid worrying.

I need to start meeting up with my therapist again, I'm not going to hide it all in like everything's okay because it would just get progressively worse. Cindy clears out the room and prepares a bath for me, "come on, take your clothes off and move away from the mirror even though you're tempted to go there" her tone moves into a warning tone at the end of the statement.

I do as she said and stayed away from the mirror, "don't bother making me eat breakfast, I've tried already" I emphasis on that, after all the plates I brought in here. "Just go in and clean yourself up first, one issue at a time" she places a kiss on my cheek before I leave to the bathroom.

The temperature in the shower is perfect, I pour the shampoo on my hair and massaged it thoroughly making sure to get every area of my scalp. After rinsing out my hair, I begin to gently apply body wash, "is everything going well b?", I tell her it's fine and I'm almost done.

I wrap the towel around myself and walk out of the bathroom, "finally" she exclaims. She has already changed out from her uniform to one of my home dresses, "I made you breakfast and I'll eat with you, then we'll take a walk and come back home then watch a movie and get your assigned work from school today and we can do that together" God really blessed me when he choose her. "What about school for you today?" I ask her

"Marilla's mom took care of it for both of us" how is she so sweet, I go in to hug her. Marilla's mom is the principal, she and Cindy have formed a bond over the years because she needed a female mentor who wasn't her mom. Marilla's mom knowing her situation with her parents, she decided to be there for Cindy whenever she needs something, whether school related or personal, as for school related she doesn't say much because she's the principal but she tells her a lot.

I break into a smile for the first time throughout the morning and whisper a thank you. She already had something out for me to wear and had already covered the mirror with a sheet, I looked at it and back at her, "what? I had to get rid of it one way or another".

After wearing the dress she got out for me, we went down to the kitchen to get breakfast. "I poached the eggs, you love those, there was a box of french toast in the fridge so i got that out and prepared it with freshly made orange juice. I'm guessing your mom made that before they left" she places everything on my tray before preparing hers. She sits down beside me, "alright we go together okay, 1,2,3" I take a bit out the french toast, expecting to spit it out but I just keep chewing and her expression pushes me to keep eating. "See, it will get better okay, I promise" she squeezes me from the side.

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