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"Happy birthdayyy" Cindy reacts quickly once I poured down a gallon of water on her, soaking her and her sheets. "Are you fucking serious, I hate you Grace" I can't hold myself with the way I'm dying of laughter.

"You're seventeennn!" I scream while running around her room, someone peeks in from the door, while she's trying to get herself to the bathroom. "Happy birthday Cindy'' Jason says and Julie is behind him, she comes inside, "hi Grace, i haven't seen you in a while" she comes to hug me, Cindy walks by her to the bathroom and slams the door.

Jason looked lost and confused as Julie lets out a sigh, "hello Grace" he waves at me, "I just came to say happy birthday and give her a gift" she walked to the bed to drop the box, "We'll be downstairs, tell her that breakfast is ready for her" Julie tells me before leaving with Jason.

"Are they gone?" Cindy screamed from the bathroom, "you can't avoid her forever" I tell her before she steps out in new PJs, "no but I can ignore her" she falls back on the sofa

"She's your si-" I begin but she interrupts, "okay enough of this topic, today is my birthday and thanksgiving which means I have to spend the whole day with them. I'm going crazy already thinking about it"

I do as she pleased.

A facetime call appears on my screen and it's the rest of the group;

"Happy fucking birthday Cindy"- Aarrington,

"Happy birthday Cindy"- Jake

"Fuck it up it's your birthday bitch"- Sean pretends to dance in circles

"Happy birthday pumpkin" trevon starts clapping loudly for God knows what reason

Marilla is added to the call, "I just woke up but happy birthday Cindy, I hope you have an amazing day" she smiles with her bed hair and tired eyes,

"How is your voice sexy at eight a.m?" Sean says and everyone interjects.

I groan, "Not now man"- Advick says, "happy birthday C" he finishes

"Please somewhere else Sean" Cindy tells him, while Marilla is laughing at our reactions

Grayson comes into the call, "what did I miss?" he has his game headset on, "Sean is being a dumbass this early morning and it's Cindy's birthday" I feel him in

"Happy birthday noob" he takes the headset off and puts his focus on the call, "thank you guys, Gracie already started my day cursed so thanks for this reverse" she pushed my head down and away from the screen


"I'll get your gift to you soon, the delivery is arriving late" Grayson tells her, "I don't mind, thank you"

"What you all doing for thanksgiving? Because my big mama is coming and we are making thanksgiving dinner till six" Aarington chimes in

"Having to see cousins that I've never seen before" Trevon tells us and all I can think of is 'at least he has a large family'

"Going to my grandparents place" Jake says

"Stuck with my family" Cindy whines

"My parents don't give a fuck about thanksgiving so I'm staying in her all day playing games" Grayson waves the control at the screen, "you can come to mine, my parents wouldn't mind" Sean tells him and he says he would think about it.

"Going over to my grandparents place then for dinner, I'll be at Naya's house for our yearly tradition" I say

Every Thanksgiving before I was born; Naya's, Maddy's and my parents get together for dinner after spending time with their biological family during the day. The day is really special because we get to sit and catch up together, and more special to me because I don't have such a strong family like on my dad's side, so seeing everyone there just makes me so happy.

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