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"I am taking on the hoe phase"

I shout out as we adjust our snowboards, "yes bestfriend we are in this together" Cindy joined my outburst. "Let me help with that" Trevon came over to place the helmet appropriately, "thank you"

Thank You? That's all I could think of, nothing else?

"You look really good, though you are like in a thousand layers right now" I scrunch my face at him, ''are you implying that i'm ugly?" he laughed, "never" my lips break into a smile

Sean called us to hurdle up together, "shots before ice" he raised up a tiny bottle, "it's two p.m and that's dangerous" Marilla folded her arms

"Who gives a shit?" Aaron said and the other guys drink except Grayson, "I rather be the one to stay sober and alive" he said to them

"Me too" Marilla said

"Me three" I join her

"Well I want one, sorry girls" Eliaza and Cindy send us a non-believing sorry gesture before drowning it down their throat.

"Yeah we are still fine" I say before putting on my snow goggles

A group of three walked to put direction, there were two guys and one girl. The girl has her glasses on her head, which means I can see her face clearly. She has a long wavy brown, her eyes are hazel with rosy plump lips. She literally looks like the real and older version of Moana.

They finally meet us and she speaks first, "hey y'all"

"Please she's so pretty, I'm jealous" Marilla whispered to me and I took a good look at her, "girl you're like the beauty standard, blonde hair and blue eyes, shut you are perfect". I give her a peck on her cheek

She scoffed, "thank you but the fact that society still has beauty standards, disgusts me"

"I agree, everyone can't look the same but that's when you come to the conclusion that this world is built for men. Look at everything going on now most of them happened because that's what the 'man' preferred. Like when a woman has to give birth, she has to lay down and it's been scientifically proven that sitting down helps the woman's pain. there are like thousands of more issues like that" i finish my rant.

"Hi I'm Georgia, nice to meet you" she shook our hands, "I'm Grace"

"Marilla" she shakes Georgia's hands after me. "You guys are here with them right" she pointed over the where the rest where.

"Yes unfortunately" Marilla answered. "you have such a beautiful accent" she has a southern accent, I would not have guessed if she hadn't spoken to us

She tells us a little about the Vail mountains because she's been here a lot, her friends also invited us to a hangout they are having at one of the small cabins in the woods. I have a feeling that it's not gonna end well but that's just a feeling, it's not the reality.


I am exhausted from all the snowboarding, it was terrible for me but at least I'm not Aarington who was drunk as hell and fell down a couple of times, probably almost leading to a concussion.

My towel is wrapped around my breasts but there's still a short underneath, "Umm Grace" I turn around to find Aarington at the door, "I see you can speak now, that's so unfortunate"

"Haha very funny" he peeped around the room, "come here" I pat the side of the bed I'm on, "we haven't spoken in a while" he walked over slowly with calculated steps.

"Yeah I told you guys, no drinking but instead you listened to Aaron." I held his arms as he sat down, "yeah Aaron, I like the guy, really do but I can see what's going on. Gracie, you really think you can fool me? I'm your best friend" he stared at me and foiled his fingers together and that's how I know this is going to be one of those talks.

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