(43)~Partie 2

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"Let's walk together and we'll be fine" Diolanda screams above the music and we all nod in agreement with a thumbs up.

I pull them over to the bar to grab a drink, "can I have the Malibu sunset?" the bartender gives me a thumbs up before she begins mixing the drink. The walk together plan didn't follow through because Jenny just dragged Diolinda over to the dancefloor.

There is a presence behind my back once I begin to move to the music. The being dips down beside my right ear, "hey Gracie" he straightens up and smiles at me.

"Hello Noah, how did you know I was here?" I look over to the dance floor where most people are scattered around.

He hums then wraps his arm around my shoulder, "I have a tracking device in you" he pinches my arm with a smile still stretched across his face.

"Oh my goodness, I feel so much safer now yayyy" I say in a sarcastic tone, the lady moves my drink over to me. "Thanks" I tell her before taking my focus back to the guy beside me.

My head falls back in satisfaction after taking a sip, "shit is good?" Noah nods at the drink.

"Shit is really good" I smile as I take in a couple more sips.

Maddy walks up to us and throws my arm around me, "it feels like I haven't seen you since the day we got here!" she squeezes me tighter. I catch Noah's eyes looking at her repeatedly from head to toe as she hugs me.

She pulls away and takes one quick look at him then back to me, "because you haven't" I wrap my arm around her neck to rock us both from side to side.

"Is that a Malibu sunset?" she pushes her hair behind her ears, "yup and shit is really good..try it" I hand it to her and she takes in big gulps instead of sips.

"Girl!" I grab it back after she hands it over

"I'm sorry" she apologizes and Noah starts laughing besides us.

"Who's this guy Grace? Are you cheating on Aaron?" she gasps loudly with a hand on her chest and finally I realize that she's been tipsy this whole time.

She licks her lips then looks between us, "princess, I rather stick my tongue in peanut butter. I fucking hate peanut butter" Noah sneakily wraps his arm across her back, he is like six foot one and she is five foot six.

"Eww.." I scrunch my face, "Maddy this is Aaron's step-brother and Noah this is Maddy, she's like an older sister to me"

He starts flirting with her and I shake my head in disapproval, "I am leaving, Noah take care of her or you are going to be dead tonight I'm not kidding" I stick my index finger to his chest.

I look over to Maddy, "I am not drunk, I swear" she says quickly.

After staring at both of them for a minute, I leave to find Cindy. Aaron is sitting at a booth, his head lifts up immediately like he could sense my presence. For some reason, I turn around and move aside so he doesn't notice me. I think I have still not come to terms with telling Aaron about the kiss with Diolinda, my brain has been formulating scenarios with different reactions and I need to pick one that seems more like him.

Just go have fun and meet him later I tell myself

"Hey babe" Cindy appears from nowhere and bumps into me.

"Hi Cindy, where the fuck have you been?" I say in such high-pitch tone that she flinches, "dang what crawled up your ass babe"

I drag fingers through my braids from my scalp to the middle. "I kissed Diolinda..", Cindy gasps, "...no she kissed me" I correct myself.

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