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I wave goodbye to Cindy and walk into the house. I push aside the curtains in the living room to let in more light, then walk to the kitchen to get some wine for myself. My eyes and fingers scan through the wine cabinet but the one I'm searching for isn't here, but it would be in the basement so I walk down there.

The Chateau Margaux is left on the bar table instead of the wine rack, I grab my cup and pour half a glass, then proceed back upstairs. As I reach the top of the basement stairs, there's a couple of footsteps pacing around at the front of the house. Then I see a flash of ginger hair and realize my parents are back home.

"Hey, mom" carefully I place the glass on a nearby table and walk towards my mom with open arms.

"My baby" she engulfs me in her warm hug and I inhale her perfume. I was always fond of hugging my mom every time because it gives me a sense of ethereal because of her flowery scent or maybe because she's my mom.

"How was the trip" she groans and my dad walks in gives me a hug to then carries the luggage inside.

"It was just for a day, I needed more. I began a new book yesterday by the way" she has published 2 books and the rest she has are drafts or finished works and there's a probability this new one might join the others. She also went to NYU to study law after publishing her first book which was a huge success two years into law school and that's when she had me. My mom didn't grow up in a very wealthy family like the two of her best friends which she met in college, she had an average middle-class life after her mom married her stepdad they entered the upper-middle class. But with all did she always wanted the best for Andrew and me.

"I of course went late to school today but Maddy and Naya helped us out" she takes a sip of my wine and extends it back to me. "How are they?"

"Fine I'm sure, looked like the inseparable two as usual"

"That reminds me" she walks to the kitchen after placing her purse down. "I need to have brunch with Lucacey and Alessa tomorrow" "Where's Martha" That's our housekeeper, she's been with us for 14 years.

"You gave her the week off remember"

"Oh yeah, then I need to make dinner for tonight because we will not order take-out"

"I'm fine with that, let me change out of my uniform to something else"


My fingers move on the string while the others move the bow on the strings. The sound the violin makes is peaceful and enticing, I may hate this instrument sometimes but playing my favorite piece keeps me at ease.

There's a knock on the door and my dad peeps in, "It's time for dinner princess"

"I'll be right down in 5 minutes" he shuts the door and I return to the sheet of music in front of me. After arranging my instruments, I walk out of the music room and down the stairs to the dining.

Our house is a modern design, so the windows let a good amount of moonlight in the evenings and nights.

"What are we having for dinner?" my dad asks, "Well take a look for yourself"

One of my favorite meals, Shrimp Scampi with rice, "thank you mom". We all get seated and begin eating.

"I got you a gift well your dad and I did" he picks up a gift bag by his side on the floor and hands it to me.

It's a Cartier gift bag. "You guys got me the ring" no way I've been hinting for the ring since the beginning of the year.

"At least open it first" my mom gives a small laugh while I open the ring box.

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