(2) ~Plan B

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I arrive at the dollar store and search for Cindy's phone in her purse. I take it out and set it by her side. We normally do this when we go out and the other person is sleeping in the car, so we know if anything is wrong while one of us is out of the car. There was no need to scroll far in my contacts because she's the only person I talk to regularly, my finger taps on her name and within a couple of seconds my name flashes on her phone. I accept it and get out of the car. The dollar store is probably not the best place to get a pregnancy test but that's the only place at the moment.

As I walk into the store I can smell the cheap products and packages that are stacked at some end. The pregnancy tests are usually kept at the register, so I walk up there. Well, that doesn't go as planned, because at that moment I spot Sophia Garcia, and the last thing I want is to speak to her. I turn around quickly and walk toward one of the aisles, with a feeling that she might not see me. After making sure she wouldn't see me, I trot back to the register and pick up a test.

"Why is the line here always long", whispering under my breath because of my urge to leave though Sophia won't see me anyway.

I spoke too soon because she calls out my name, "No way Gracie", a fake smile grow on my lips and I spin around to face her.

"Oh hi Sophia"

"I didn't expect to see you here" she beams at me

"No one has expected me at anywhere throughout the day" I shrug

She ignores what I say and points at the pregnancy test "are you pregnant?"

"I mean well-" I think about Cindy's mental state at the moment and I'm not sure she wants everyone to know that she's pregnant, even if she ends up being pregnant or not.

"Umm yeah I guess" she just stares at me.

"You should buy a plan B too- I mean if you don't want to keep it" it's my turn to pay, so I slide it over and search my wallet for the money and pay.

"Well thanks for the advice that I was already aware of Sophia, I will think about it, right now I need to leave."


Cindy is half awake now, so she just drags herself up the stairs without much help from me.

She wobbles toward the bed, while I walk back down to get some orange juice, water, and any snacks my hands can reach. Some noises come from the door and I suspect her parents are back home, though they weren't meant to be back till next tomorrow. So I move as fast as I can and rush back to Cindy's room.

"How do I work this stuff," she asks me in a weak state,

"Your parents are home"

"That wasn't the question Gracie" she grunts.

She goes back to the bathroom with her phone this time and I'm guessing it's to search up how to use it. The funny thing is that the product is self-explanatory and has the procedure at the side.

"Oo Gracie, I did it" she shoves it in my face like it's a negative result.

"Now we wait five minutes" I set the alarm on my phone and rest her head on my shoulder blade as we squat down.

"has Andrew gone back to school"

"Yeah, he left today. I miss him already"

Andrew is my older brother. He graduated this year and now goes to Stanford, which is pretty far from us. We have a close sibling dynamic, probably because we are the only kids our parents have and he was adopted so he says he's always grateful for our parents and me. This aside, he still gets mean and he's basically the favorite child, I could name a whole lot of reasons for that.

"I think we should check it now" as I  gradually lift myself while shrugging Cindy off me. "Do we really have to?" she groans and rolls on the floor.

"Get the fuck up" my stomach starts to hurt from our uncontrolled laugh. "I'll get it and call it out for you" she stops rolling then sits up.

A tear falls down her cheeks and she stares back at me, "I'm scared Gracie, I really am. My parents would hate me". Cindy and her family have never been the ones to communicate with each other, her siblings are kind of close with her parents but she is not at all close with them. So as a result of that, she spends the most time with my family, they've considered her daughter over the years.

"C, I will be here for you every step of the way, I promise. You can't get rid of me that quickly" I smile at her then stand up to check the test.

My heart is pounding in my brain as I walk closer to the bathroom. I'm not gonna lie that everything would be okay because it wouldn't, things will change, she will change.

I close my eyes and reach for the test, grabbing in and bringing it closer to my eye level. My eyes grow wide as I finally read the lines, my legs walk back slowly to the bedroom and my arms stretch towards where Cindy is sitting and waiting hysterically for the results.

"You are not fucking pregnant" I scream but quickly reduce my voice when I remember her parents are home. With her moderate drunk state, she jumps up and runs towards me "No way, let me fucking see that". She lets out a gasp and stares wide at me, then starts to weep tears of joy.

"Oh my God, I'm not pregnant"

"Yess, you're not"

"So, I can sleep well tonight"

Okay, I was thinking that I will have to address this. I have noticed on other stories comment section that people hate when the girl doesn't think of her other option which is abortion and I just want to address that either way; both options are hard to think about. So let's not judge her for not thinking of it because there are still some people out there; religious or not, who just can't bring themselves to get an abortion, which is also perfectly fine, whatever is safer and better for you and the child.
Thank you :)

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