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A text comes in and it's from Aaron.

Him: are you still around?

Me: yeah I'm in the building right now

Him: can you come to the room behind the lobby

Him: you know it right🤨

I rolled my eyes at his question and shut off my phone without replying to him.

The lobby is further into the building so it isn't much of a distance from where I'm standing.

I slightly open the door and he's there playing some game with a console.

"You found it" he sounds surprised, "of course I did, I know this place like I know my hair"

"Your hair?" he pats the sofa he's on, signaling me to come to sit with him

"Yes my hair, I know every single type of product to use on it and how it reacts to the weather or even when to straighten it" I smile proudly

"No wonder it looks healthy and nice. Your hair is really pretty" I feel he's resisting the urge to reach for it.

"Yeah, I caught on to the compliment" "so why were you searching for me?"

"I just needed someone to play with me" he gives me one of the consoles

He's playing on a ps5 and I recognize the game as Call of Duty. "How do I play this?"

"Figure it out" he smirks and resumes the game.

I pull out my phone to search for how to play COD and it doesn't even help.

"What are you doing?" I flinch at his voice and place my palm on my chest, "searching for how to play this game"

"Did you just flinch after I called you?" his face is laced with concern as he moves closer to me

"You just startled me that's all" I assure him

He reaches for my face and pushes some part of my hair behind my ear. "Are you sure that was why?" his face is a few inches away from mine.

"Yeah that's all" my breath is literally hitched in my throat right now. He brings his lips closer to mine, I feel he's about to kiss me right now but Lord I'm scared and excited.

His phone starts ringing, "ignore it" he tells me and leans back in. Whoever it is doesn't give up because the phone keeps ringing. I don't know who this person is but I wish they could just chill out for now.

"Stop being hot-headed and answer the damn phone Aaron" he looks at the phone and is clearly annoyed.

"It's my sister" he whispers to me. I mouth an 'ohh' to him

"Stepdad" sounds like he's correcting her and his expression looks like he's exhausted with every sentence they exchange.

"Sorry I've got to go"

"Oh umm yeah it's fine" I reply, he pulls me up and leads me out of the room.

"Till the next time we see," his smile is so enticing. He gives me a peck on the cheek before leaving.


Songs- firework by Katy perry, no hands by waka Flocka flame, and what's my name by Rihanna

It's ten pm and right now I'll rather be here than anywhere else. Cindy and I got to Marilla's house an hour ago for the party she invited us to, I've seen some of Simon's friends and I feel so much better knowing that I came here for only myself.

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