(13)~like him

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"I said no"

I'm at Cindy's house, I arrived an hour ago and we are currently in the kitchen making lunch for ourselves.
"Yes you heard me, he asked me out and I said no" last night wasn't a memory that should be kept at all. "How was his reaction?" she ask as she turns up the oven

"Sad of course, I felt really bad. I was really sure at the moment that going out with him is a very bad decision and a recipe for disaster"

I pour some wine into my glass, "he'll get over it. He needs to understand that you need some before thinking of dating another guy" she makes emphasis on the 'another guy'

"The worst part is that I was thinking of Aaron. One moment I was comfortable and nuzzled up in Trevon's arms, the next thing, my thoughts were filled with Aaron. So that was also one of the reasons I said 'no' so fast" she turned around once she was done, "how fast did you reply?" her face is full of surprise.

"Yes, immediately he asked, I just said it quickly. I felt so sorry" I put my head down on the island. "Baby don't be hard on yourself, you just got out of a toxic relationship with that sociopath named Simon and you've gone through some hard shit. Also you endured everything Simon was giving to you and now I'm sure you're trying to be cautious, so history doesn't repeat itself. Lastly, Trevon is a long time friend and you don't want to hurt him." she rubs my back and gives me a heartwarming smile.

"Thanks Cindy"

"Anytime, now come here and help me make this lasagne, before I burn myself" I lift myself up and go to meet her. My phone beeps and I see a notification, "Aarington asked if you want to come over to his house, Eli would be there" I love how I have like three nicknames for her.

"Tell him, we would love too when lunchtime is over" I text him back

Aarington: no, come right now. I'm all alone with Beth and if you don't come now, I'll take her clothes off

Me: WTF?? eww would you do that

Aarington: she's so ducking beautiful and sexy too

Him: fucking*

Me: haha ducking

Him: my homies hate autocorrect

Him: i'm serious be quick, she wants to see you guys anyways and Sean is also coming maybe Trevon too and we could hit the beach last minute

Me: trevon is coming?

Him: didn't I type that clearly enough???

Me: pls shut up and we'll be there in 2 hours

Him: 2!!!!! I'll see you by 4:30 then

I shut the phone, "told him, we'll be there in two hours" she gives me a thumbs up, while her full focus is on the kitchen ipad, where she's looking at the recipe.

"So lay the pasta in the pan and pour the tomato paste on it" I explain it while reading through it with her. "Okay then" we return to the pan to start making it.

We worked in silence, it wasn't awkward, it was the type that's comfortable and just enjoying the moments we have together, safe with each other.

"It's ready" Cindy squeals before going to get it out of the oven. I love the ovens we have, there are wall ovens and it's so much better than the regular ones, I hate those.

"I'll set the plates, do you want juice or wine?" I walk into the kitchen after her, "I'll take wine with you" as she should

I set down the plates on the island, then she sets the pan down and gets a knife to cut it.

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