(39)~bikini tans

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*TW: Eating Disorder and self-harm*
Grace's POV
My parents are the first to walk in.
"Hey sweetie" my mom runs in, her eyes are red and puffy, and her hair looks unkempt which is unlike her.

As she hugs me, my body revives whatever pain it had before. An uncomfortable groan leaves my lips before she could hold me tighter, I look down at the transparent tube stringed from my wrist to a bag of fluid.

"Dad, mom, why am I here?" I ask weakly as my eyes constantly try to adjust the lights.
My dad moves closer, so I turn my face towards him. He begins to stroke my hair, "hey princess, how are you feeling?" then places a kiss on my forehead.

I attempt to raise my hands to feel my temperature but instead I feel the needle in my wrist. "Ugh like shit" I whine

My mom goes on to pinch my toes, "Monet language!" she exclaims and my dad laughs.
"Oh I'm sorry mom, never been better" I give a tight smile and she starts to massage my feet.

There's a knock on the door before Andrew walks in with Maddy, Reece, James and Naya.
Maddy ran to my side and nuzzled her head in my neck, "you're alive!" I cannot help but laugh at her expression.

Andrew takes of his baseball hat and drops it on the side table before coming to give me a kiss on my forehead, "you fucking scared me" my mom smacks the back of his head and he winces.

I giggle before picking up his hat and wearing it. My parents decide to leave the room so it doesn't get crowded.

Naya sniffed, I hadn't noticed that she had begun to cry, "hey Naya come here, I'm okay, don't cry" I wrap one arm around her and she hugs me.

After some while they ask if I want to see my friends and I say yes so they call them in.

Cindy is the first one to run in and the first thing she does is check my hair, she wipes her cheeks. "Okay your hair still looks amazing" she nods and grabs something from her pocket.
"Really a lip gloss?" I ask her after she rubs it on my lips. "Umm yes" she says in a 'duh' tone.

Maddy and Eliaza walk in with the boys.
Aaron gives me a smile, as I see his face again, it feels like there's something that happened but I can't get myself to remember.

"Hey qutip" Aarington pinches the bridge of my nose. "Ahh not you" I groan
"I know you missed us" Louis and Aarington sit beside me, each giving me a peck on my cheek repeatedly.

Eliaza and Marilla pull them away before speaking to me with Cindy.
"I guess I'm missing prom" they share a look before Eli pulls out some Polaroids. "We already had prom and you were there" she says softly.

"Wait what?" I'm confused

"So you can't remember anything?" Sean asks, "if you're asking if I even know how I got here then no"

So you're telling me I can't remember anything that happened at my junior prom, my first solo school dance. It's better I hadn't gone to it.

They showed me the pictures we took that night, I remember picking out my dress with Naya and Maddy but it seems like I added a touch to it.

"At least you looked really good" Marilla shrugs, I nod and laugh, "you're right, I do"
We chat some more and they tell me about the night that led to prom and the few moments I was with them. I still can't remember what happened but according to what they say, it was a night to remember.

I ask about Trevon and Aarington tells me that he is nursing a broken nose, I don't miss the smirk that tugs at the side of Aaron's lips. That told me all I needed to know.

Cindy takes my left hand in hers, "I need to tell you something, I figured it's better you know now than letting it go on without you knowing" I nod for her to go on.

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