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I'm thrown off from the bed as a result of my bladder that feels like bursting into a million pieces. Once I finally take a piss and wash up my face, I muster up the courage to take a look at my physical state.

My hair has bangs and my eyes are the definition of bloodshot red, the eye bags underneath my eyes are a bit noticeable. My hair is frizzy and in knots, my mother would definitely kill me if she sees my hair like this.

I walk back into the room to get my things so I can leave. Cindy is sprawled on the bed, her hair is short now and she has bangs too, it makes me wonder what went down last night.

"Cindy, Cindy" continuously I rock her legs to wake her up.

"Huh" she peeked at me with her right eye before shutting it again. Seeing that there will be no progress in waking her up, I left back to the bathroom to wash my mouth.

Quietly I shut the door and walk down to the kitchen. We are at Sean's house and I haven't seen a sign of life except Cindy's.

"How was your night?" I'm startled by the sound that arrives from the living room.

My left hand rests on the left side of my chest as I attempt to calm down my breathing. "Scared me" I let out one exasperated breath before going to get some water. As I turn around, he is resting on the island, staring at me like I have a body stashed upstairs.

"You just get scared easily" he brushes past me and grabs a bottle too. We both stand side to side with his back facing where my front side is facing.

Sean walks in, "Dang what happened to you, you look like a mess?" my head begins to hurt, I can feel the hangover coming through right now.

My throat starts to burn up as the migraine kicks in, "I'm... I... holy shit" I released myself from the table and ran to the nearest bathroom.

Aaron holds my head up over the toilet and Sean helps roll the toilet paper as I pour all my stomach contents into the toilet.

"And there it is ladies and gentlemen, the best way to kick off your birthday" Sean exclaims with his arms wide open.


"Sorry I'm late" I rush to the side of the circular table.

Oh yes I am running late for my own birthday brunch with sunglasses on and hair bangs. The scowl on my mom's face tells me everything I need to know.

I have a Peixoto blue cropped top with a dusty blue floral high-waisted ruffle skirt and white strappy wedge sandals. The sunglasses I have on is white from Versace.

My mom still has her eyes on me so I readjust myself on the chair and avoid any eye contact.

"Why are your sunglasses still on?" yup that's my mom, looking for problems that don't need to be pointed out.

My eyes aren't just red from binge drinking, it's also because I cried a lot last night for no reason and that's what led to Cindy and I cutting off our hair.

Andrew ruffles my hair so I smack his arm away, "mom it's her birthday let her be" he holds his hands out to her and I notice her shoulders relax a bit.

He leaned into me, "did a little pregaming huh?" he started laughing and I chose to ignore him. My dad arrived back at the table with Alice.

"Happy Birthday Gracie" she takes seat, "thank you Alice, really appreciate it and also for being here" my lips stretch into a wide smile.

A young waitress comes over to the table to pour some wine into our glasses. My phone vibrates and I look down to find a text from Cindy.

Cindy: I'm so sorry are you okay???

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