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Earlier today at school the news about what happened that night, spread like wildfire. Everyone was walking on a slim rope around me, to avoid any irrational action. I got a handful of stares in every room, I was in, maybe it's because they were surprised I didn't skip school. There wasn't any need to take the day off, I was okay so I went to school. Yesterday, I got to change my hair, so maybe it's the new hair, whatever.

Right now I'm standing in front of Aaron's door. Long story short, Him and I have been assigned a project together but he skipped school today and it's due at the end of the day. We haven't spoken to each other since that night, I heard a rumor saying that he killed the man and I had to defend him on every post or chat that mentioned it.

The door opens up, he's standing in front me, shirtless, "Gracie?" It was more of a question than a welcome. "You skipped school today and we were assigned a project" I give him a tight smile. There is no explanation on why I'm feeling shy or nervous around him right now, "you can come in" he moves aside and ruffles his hair, "is this the only free time you have, we can do it another time".

"No it's due today" he lets out an 'ooo', "it's just that right now is not a good time" I raise one eyebrow at him

"Why is that?" I hear some footsteps on the stairs, when I look up, the person standing there is the last person I would ever expect. "Grace!" she hides her embarrassment. It's my therapist's daughter, I thought she was innocent and shy and how do they even know each other.

I act like I don't recognise her at first, "oo hi" she smiles at me and Aaron looks confused

"Gracie could you wait for me here?" he doesn't wait for my answer before pulling her back upstairs with him.

At first when I saw her, I felt a little twitch in my stomach, like some kind of hope was diminished. I don't know why I'm even surprised, it's Aaron, this is what he does. One moment he's all over me and the next, he's flirting with all the girls in Miami.

He comes back down with a shirt on him and a bag, "I'll drive, let's go" he grabs his keys in one hand and my hands in the other before leading me out.

"So you skipped school to do that all day" I say as we enter the car, "who said we had sex all day?" He turns on the car.

"The fact that I didn't say anything about sex but you brought it up" for the rest of the ride we remain quiet, he keeps giving side glances occasionally

"I'm fine, you can stop rechecking every five seconds" I re-adjust myself on the seat and notice the road we are on, "why are we going to the beach? there was no time in my schedule that said spend time with Aaron"

"Deal with it, I need some fresh air"

I decided not to say anything for a while but then, "she's my therapist's daughter" I spoke up even though what I said wasn't needed.

"Who?" he pulls up to a store, "the girl you were with" I raise my hand in frustration.

"I'm sorry we are never on the same page so how did you expect me to know who it was" I turn to him, "the issue of us not being on the same page, has no correlation in what I said"

"I needed something to blame it on" he gets down from the car and comes to my side, "do you wanna come down with me?" I ignore him

"Gracie" ...

"Grace" ...

"If that's how you're gonna act then I'm going in" he shuts the door forcefully and walk away

"Damn Aaron wait up, you are walking too fast" I ran up to his side and he didn't speak to me till we entered the store.

Once we enter, I notice most things they sell is liquor and wine, "we are here for alcohol? we don't even have fake IDs" I whisper to him.

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