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"Fuck" Cindy's voice rings in my ears.

"Gracie we are gonna be late, we have school, remember" oh yeah the first day of the school term and we decided that going to a party the night before school starts is an excellent idea.

I rise immediately and throw the blanket aside. "Oh my God, I don't have my uniform with me" what were we even thinking last night.

"You could use my spare one, though the skirt is shorter the shirt is pretty good" she yells from the bathroom.

"I think I might just go home and get my things because my backpack isn't with me" I yell back. "Oh yeah, you should, I'll meet you at your house"




I turn on the hot water to flow in the shower, while I get my things together. My skirt is getting shorter, which means I need to get a new one. My parents aren't home because they left yesterday with Andrew to see his dorm and just the parent stuff that they have to do.

I step into the shower, letting the steam and the hot water soothe me. My showers don't take that long, especially if I'm in this much of a hurry.

The time is eight twenty-two and school starts at nine am, including the twenty minutes drive to school. I dress up quickly and walk into my closet for one last check-up, moreover, I do have an appearance to uphold. My legs race down the wide stairs to the kitchen to get something to eat, as my phone begins to vibrate. I expected it to be Cindy, but that would be too fast for her to arrive.

"Hey mom, how's your day"

"We were actually sleeping it's three twenty-nine am, but we had to call because it's the first day of school"

"Mmmm yes mom, you guys need to go back to bed but thanks for calling. That's really thoughtful"

"Oh yeah your dad is asleep, so just me" she lets out a little laugh. "I love you Grace and I hope you don't go late to school because I know you're home right now" I can feel her grinning. After all, she knows she's right.

"Okay mom, you're right and I need to leave now" Cindy's horn blares from the door "talk to you later, bye"

I pick up my bag and rush out of the door. We are running late at this point and in need of a miracle to not get detention.

She recently upgraded her car to the Tesla S and so far, she's being pretty giddy about it. Well her parents got it for her and that's one way to show that they still love her even though they pay no attention to her, Cindy got used to it over the years and uses material things to cover the hurt. She is one of the strongest people I know with more reasons I'm yet to list.

"We technically have like" she scrunches her face and pops her cheek with her tongue "like 23 minutes". "Oh my God hurry Cindy", the car comes back to life and we drive off to school.


"It isn't fair how seniors get to park closer to the building and yes I get that it's their last year here but it's still not fair" we finally found a parking space after an additional 3 minutes of finding one. At this point, we have no time left but we are still hoping to get into class quickly.

I pull the glass doors and walk-in with Cindy by my side. "We need to sign in first, at least let's get through that" she whispers to me as we walk toward the front desk.

"Oh my Gracie" that's one voice I'm thankful to hear, "Naya I miss you a lot"

"It's only been 3 days G" Maddy chirps in by her side as she pulls me in for a hug. They both hug Cindy and ask why we are going late for class.

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