(22)~car ride

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There are some voices shuffling outside of the room as I wake up. My head is pounding really bad and I feel weak, I search the bed for my phone.

I see some missed calls from my parents and Andrew, then a text from a number called 'hot cake', which I can swear that I never saved anyone's number with that.

Hot cake: how are you feeling now?

Me: sorry who's this?

Hot cake: wdym mean by who's this, you called me last night

Me: I don't remember any of that sorry, what's your name?

Hot cake: Gracie for fuck sakes it's Aaron

Why is his number saved as that??

Me: Aaron? why are you texting me

Asshole: so you don't remember calling me yesterday, you know, begging me to fuck you

Me: you must be out of your mind, I rather commit arson than sleep with you and I don't have time for your shit this morning

Asshole: whatever, anyways you didn't say that but you did say that I'm hot and perfect and sexy too

Me: I never added sexy

True, I remember the conversation now

Asshole: you said it in your mind then. I've got better things to do this morning

And with that the conversation was over. This is horrible, I drunk called Aaron last night, I probably said some pretty embarrassing things which I can't recall and he would use them against me in future. I'm so screwed


It has been two weeks since Thanksgiving break, the conversation that night hasn't been brought up by either of us, mostly because I've been avoiding him like a plague. So far, that idea has been going pretty well for me, I get to be closer to Trevon and I'm actually really mesmerised by everything he does. Like how he looks at me while I explain topics I'm passionate about or ask me if I've eaten that morning, just the little things that make you want to pull your panties sideways.

Right now my parents and I are at Aaron's door, I can't avoid him forever, we have the same friends, we are on the same team; well I'm the manager and have this whole hoax going on together, so I have to suck it up and deal with him.

A lady who looks like she's in her late 30's is standing by the door, "Welcome" she greets us as we step into the house. They exchange pleasantries before Mrs. D'Lorenzo comes up to me, "thank you for having us" she engulfs me in an embrace, "oh dear it was not an issue, you are so beautiful" my cheeks is tainted with red, for some reason I shyly take compliments given females more than I do from males, "thank you" I show a genuine smile.

The young girl I saw the last time I was at Aaron's house, is walking down the stairs whilst speaking to Aaron, the way he looks at her and smiles is really adorable. Andrew used to do that when I was younger, sometimes it meant that he wanted me to shut up or he's just really proud of me.

Aaron's eyes found mine and a grin grew on his lips, "Hi we meet again" Lina takes my hands in hers, "hello Lina, nice to see you too again" I shake her hands before she leaves to her parents side. He comes forward but curves me to meet my parents, he's basically making them fall in love with him because their eyes are screaming 'he's so polite and sweet, he has to date Grace'. I walk up to them before they get lost in their wishes, "mom, dad we have to move to the other room" my mom hugs him before they leave.

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