(17)~New Manager

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I woke up today with a great mindset and as my daddy said, "sleep it off" and that's exactly what I did.

After my usual morning jog, which makes me feel so confident everyday, I begin to get ready for school and finish up any homework that's due today.  I put on my uniform and shoes, nowadays the school board is actually less lenient with the shoes we wear, so that means I can finally start putting on my Louboutins.

Cindy is picking me up today, so I can actually take my time and get something to eat for breakfast. I walk down the stairs after packing up my things and cleaning up my room. "Ms. Grace, I made some breakfast for you" Julia, the other maid tells me, "thank you and also you can just call me Grace without the miss, I prefer that" she smiles and nods. It looks like she's in her mid 20's, and I have a feeling that her working here would be the best thing for me.

My phone rings, it's Cindy "Hey I might be like five minutes late" I let her know that I'm fine with that. Julia prepared an egg sandwich for me with freshly made mango juice, it tastes really good.

Cindy's car arrives, so I grab my bag, the cup of pink lemonade for the both of us. She waves at me as I'm running towards the car, "you're wearing heels today?" she asks while I drop my bag at the back seat and hand her the cups. "Yes ma'am and I made this for you" I show her the drink, "I figured that out because who else would it be for".


Last night I saw an email from the school office telling me that I had to give a tour to a new student. "I'll see you at AP psych" we part ways and I walk to the office, "hey, I'm here for the new student" I tell the lady at the desk and she points to the back of the room, I'm guessing he/she is with a teacher right now.

I text Aarington and the other text messages that came in earlier, "Yes thank you sir" I hear the voice and it sounds awfully familiar.


"Aaron" wow when I thought this was over.

I slam the door closed and begin to walk faster than him, "you can't be walking faster than me if I actually have to get a proper tour of this school" he tells me and that's when I see that this isn't a coincidence.

"Are you stalking me?" I'm walking far ahead of him

"Why would I do that?" he's getting on my nerves and he knows it

"Because you're always-" I continue

"Or maybe because you just choose to notice me now" he's by my side now with a smirk plastered on his face

"Well I regret that" I place my hand in the little space between us before walking away.

He walks up to me and spins me around then brings his face inches to mine, "not everything is about you" did he just?

"You don't know shit about me and you are the one who makes everything about you. Who the fuck ghosts someone after he kissed her twice then caused her bruise and made his friend tell her to stay away? If that isn't psychotic, then please show me what is" I release my hands from his grip and keep on walking. "Don't walk away from me like that" I've never seen him angry, maybe because all I saw was a facade

I ignore him and keep walking, he doesn't need a tour, he'll figure it out himself, "I'm going to class, figure your shit out".

He doesn't bother to call after me and I'm perfectly fine with that.

The class I'm having now and it's AP Language & Composition, at least I have one person here with me and it's Aarington.

Ms. Williams looks at me once I step into the class, she opens her mouth and I know she's mentally cussing me out, "I had to give someone a tour" the sound of my heels is the only sound evident in the room as I walk to my seat.

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