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My mom's voice blares in my sleep, I can't make out exactly what she's saying but it seems like she is questioning me about some stuff. Cindy stirs around and nudges me, "Gracie wake up your mom is calling you", I finally open my eyes.

"Yes, mom" I drag the words right out of my lips,

"Were you out last night?", oh shit, "No mom I was with Cindy out in town"

"So why are you still in bed? You know today's Sunday and we have to be in church for this Sunday" we usually aren't frequent churchgoers but we are for sure Christians. It's a special relationship, my mom decides to drag me and my dad every two Sundays in a month, so she can make an appearance and listen to the Word right from the preacher's lips.

"Were you out partying last night?" no no no shit

"No mom, I told you I was hanging out with Cindy, I'm still in bed because I have the flu or something like that, not too sure" I hope she believes that

"It's probably something I ate when we were out, no big deal" I shout back

"Do you know this place, so we can talk with the manager or the chef?" my dad joins in clearly pissed

"No it's fine, it was probably the way I ate the food or my period is here, more emphasis on the period part" I'm so tired I want to go back to sleep.

"I'll tell Martha to get Advil and ibuprofen, anyone that works better okay?"

"Thank you mom, I love you and you too dad. Byeee" they talk at the door a little and ask if they can come in, of course, I say no before they leave.

Cindy turns her face to me and starts laughing, "You sounded like you wanted to die, I wish you could have seen that" she continues

"You shut up" I push her down from the bed and return to my sleep. "Ouch" she later reacts.


It's been two weeks since the party at Marilla's house and my encounter with Eliaza. The last two weeks have been usual like every school day and weekends, I started brainstorming ideas for a brand I want to start, lately, I've been more on the swimwear idea. Cindy has helped me with most parts and I have been grateful for her support.

Today is the day for homecoming court, every first trimester, we have homecoming week for our upcoming game. I heard we are playing Mindley high school, they aren't our first rivals but Aarington says he and the team hope to take a W over them this year like they did last year.

The final contests for the homecoming court of junior year are Simon, Evelyn, Jake, Aarington, William Jr, Prissi, Marilla, and I. These are the same people that get in the final round every year, sometimes they mix it up but it's a popularity contest, last year Cindy was one of us but Aarington wasn't. Marilla is always here, she won homecoming queen freshman year, while I won sophomore year.

The time is moving too slow for my liking and I'm getting frustrated by the minute. This is my last hour class and there is no one that I'm close to in here, but there is a girl named Jemima, though I'm not close with her she rants to me like she's known me forever.

"Yeah he asked me out, do you think I should say yes?" she brings herself closer to me. I'm in Italian class right now. The teacher gave us something to work on but I was already done with it before today and so was Jemima.

"That's great" I nod with enthusiasm

"I turned him down" then why is she telling me?

"Why did you do that?", hoping she just drops it. "He's a nerd"

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