(29)~no shit

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"Gracie, Gracie are you in there" why is my mom in my dream?

Never mind she's actually at my door, "Grace Harris you are going late for school and you haven't even had breakfast" she shouts at the end of my door.

I looked down to find myself in the sweatshirt Aaron was wearing last night and underneath it had no cloth. My anxiety is over the roof right now so I run to the door, "yes mother" I peep through the small opening between the door and the door frame.

"What the hell are you doing in bed at eight a.m?" my face looks perplexed as i search for an excuse, "you reek of male cologne" she adds

"Huh?'' Now I'm more scared, what happened last night?

"No I don't" she nods her head, "it should be Andrew's, this is his shirt" I point at the shirt

"I know Andrew's cologne and it's not it" yeah Andrew has a much more milder cologne than most guys but still strong enough to know be considered 'men's'

She looks at me weirdly, "was Trevon here last night?" I can't lie in case she asks him, not that she doesn't trust me; she might just be talking to him and this topic might come up, you never know.

"No mom but maybe this was one of Andrew's friend's t-shirts that's why" she drops it and tells me to hurry and get down.

I can not recall what happened last night after he said "let's watch a movie".

I walked back to the bed, Aaron is on the other side shirtless because I am in the shirt he wore last night. He looks harmless and innocent as he sleeps, his hair is covering his eyes and his skin is glistening even without the sun glazing down on him.

How can someone look this good in the morning?

"Aaron wake up, Aaron" his eyes flutter open as I open the curtains.

"Fucking hell Gracie, it's too early for this" I pulled out the blanket, "can you tell me what actually went down last night and why I am in your t-shirt?" I looked him straight in the eye but he didn't try to talk.

I moved over to the bathroom to brush my teeth before I came out to meet him again.

He's already ready to leave, his phone and shoes are in his hands, "see you at school sweetheart" he proceeds to open the door.

"What do you think you are doing? My mother is down stairs" I step past him to shut the door and call Julia through the telephone.

"Goodmorning Julia, umm quick favor, could you distract my mom if she's in the kitchen, maybe make her go outside?" she agreed

I glanced back at Aaron who was watching me the whole time on my bed, "let's go" I tucked for curls that slipped out of my bun.

As I peeked out of my door to listen to any close by voices, Aaron placed his hands on my waist and went in to whisper to me

"This is fun, seeing you fret over your sneaky link" this is his kind of humor

"Aaron this is so not the time and I am already mad at you" he followed behind me to the front door, my mom was at the back of the house like I asked

As I begin to close the door behind me, Aaron stops it, "thank you for the night and" he motioned to his face where he has the cuts, "yeah I didn't mind" I assure him before my mom's voice came back into the kitchen.

I finally shut the door and watched him drive away

"I am not kidding there's a strong male cologne in this house" my mom walked up behind me in her silk nightgown, "because I am here" I pointed to the t-shirt again and she chose to overlook it after throwing me a suspicious glare.

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