(41)~middle of june

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I recall last night's events as I sit up. We came back home and he actually talked to me about everything. Ranging from his biological dad to who both Emma's were to him. When he spoke about his dad his eyes were blazing with anger and detest, I expected him to shut off about it but he didn't.

After all that I- wait we-

Oh my fucking goodness-

"Did we have sex?" I ask him immediately he rolls over to face me

"Good morning to you too sweetheart" he moves away from the bed and to the bathroom. I hadn't noticed his new room design, it's the same as before but with more posters and albums. A small smile tugged on my lips at the albums, I'm having some influence on him.

I get up from the bed and dress it then look down at myself to find me one of his t-shirts. He steps out with his hair dripping and a toothbrush in his mouth.

My legs decide not to move so I just stand here and watch him as he goes to his closet and checks his phone. He walks back to the bathroom and I finally realize myself.

Quickly I text Andrew that I'm fine because he has called me a million times, that's probably what woke Aaron up.

I'm thrown down on the bed before I could look away from my phone. He starts kissing my cheek then down to my neck.

"You made me hard all fucking night" his voice is muffled between my chest, he looks up at me, "isn't this a perfect time for a kiss".

I attempt to push his body off but this man probably weighs twice as I do. "I haven't even brushed yet so no" I look up to the ceiling and he does the same, "it's God telling us no" I tell him and he sighs and throws himself off me.

I give him a light tap on his chest before walking into the bathroom. My toothbrush is still lying here, I take it out and grab the paste to put onto it.

His groaning and mumbling makes me laugh. I bend over to rinse my mouth but then I get a loud ass smack instead.

"What do you want to eat?" he asks as he rests on the wall behind me.

"Pancakes" I tell him but he's staring down at my butt instead. "Are you listening?" I ask him as I look at his reflection that's still in a trance.

"No" he answers truthfully, "it's all out, I'm sorry babe but I got to look" he walks closer and leans his body against mine.

"Andrew probably has a bounty on my head as we speak" he traces his hands around my torso before squishing my boobs together and playing with them then he goes down and slaps my ass again.

"Aaron!" I yelp at how painfully good that slap was.

He made the pancakes like I asked for with my favorite, orange juice. When it was time to get me back home he dragged himself to get everything done so I could spend more time with him.

"Bye" I wave at him as he pouts.

"Sweetheart just one kiss" I walk back to the car and rest on his side's window.

His smile stretches as I bring my head down to his. "Babe with how much I want you to kiss me till I'm on my knees... I'll have to sadly refuse" he bangs his head on the headrest and curses.

"Gracie you can't just say things like that because you don't have a dick, it hurts" he points to it and I laugh.

I wave at him one last time after giving him a soft kiss on his cheek.

My mom is seated on the couch in the living room, she has her glasses on and her MacBook on her lap. "Gracie?"

"Yes mom" I take my shoes off and she turns towards me. She takes a good look at me for a second, my outfit from yesterday in my arm and Aaron's t-shirt in me.

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