getting to know the darlings part 2

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(Above image is the pan kitchen, since most of this chapter takes place ther)

Peter's pov

Of course my mom would invite them over. (Internally rolling my eyes) On their second night here... gee thanks mom... a look of annoyance towards my moms idea is apparently visible (oops?) as John raises his eyebrow in question. *sigh* as I open my mouth to make up an excuse. The girl comes walking straight at me.. with her eyes flared. (What does she want now)

I glare at her maybe she'll be smart enough to figure out shes not welcome around me. As she approaches micheal gets excited and grabs her hand , her eyes snap to him and she pats his head with a nod. When she looks up after he's run off im suprised, Her blue eyes are cold

I internally smirk is she serious?
Im not backing down.
Ha, My eyes narrow. Her eyes widen slightly, I can tell im bothering her. And that's exactly what I wanted to do.

Just as im about to be an ass ,my mom smacks me in the  back of the head.
With that look all moms have and says "knock it off peter"
I can see her trying not to laugh
Looking at my mom with a small smirk I say "whatever do you mean, im not doing anything " which earns me another smack. This time she laughs a small quiet laugh. I glare at her, to my surprise she glares right back.

Im not backing down and neither is she, this is a game I will win i can promise that. At least I would've until my mom steps in and gently pats the girls shoulder,  which makes her eyes snap to my mom and I notice her eyes are no longer cold. My eyes are still narrowed but now more in confusion than anger.

Im brought out of this train of thought by my mom yanking on my ear and using it to pull me back towards the house and away from the new family

My (very skilled ) mom with one hand waves and says  "we'll see you later for dinner" while continuing to drag me with the other.
Out of the corner of my eye I can see the girl wave back with a smile.
My mom lets out a deep sigh and and yanks harder on my ear, making me wince, before she sighs tiredly and lets go of my ear just before we reach the steps to our front porch.

Stopping at the door my mom shakes her head and mumbles "what am I going to do with you peter?"
Pretending to think on it as I open the door and we walk towards the kitchen. Soon as we reach the kitchen I gasp dramatically as if I'd come up with the ultimate solution. She looks unimpressed, but tilts her head as if to say, go ahead. I smile super wide and hug her tight and say, " love me and feed me so ill love you back?"
Her mouth falls open and she raises her hand to smack me again as I jog  away from her towards our living room.

She chases me a bit before she  throws a towel at me and shakes her head with a laugh.
Truce, I ask
She nods still giving me an evil eye
I walk towards the fridge and kiss her head as I get us both some water.

My mom is someone I can mess with and i know having me has kept her on her toes.. sometimes im a handful well maybe most the time.
Im brought out of my thoughts as i notice her setting things down on the counter, based on the ingredients id say its gonna be lasagna night

As my mom opens the fridge to get some cheese and the meat out she suddenly jumps as if she forgot something  and says, oh tell the boys anyone with holes in their clothes isn't allowed to stay and eat.
I smirk and say" guess felix isn't eating then"  she laughs for a second and turns around deadly serious, "peter pan i mean it , don't you or the boys dare ruin this for me" I nod and say yes ma'am shooting a text to rufio and felix . She nods satisfied and begins giving me instructions on how to help her.

-----------------------time skip---------------------

Once we places the two large dishes of lasagna in the oven. My mom looks me up and down and makes a circular motion with her hand and says fix it.
I roll my eyes and say in a fake posh accent "yes mother dear whatever you say"  honestly whats wrong with my clothes, she usually doesn't mind, i roll my eyes at her retreating figure. she shakes her head as she walks out of the kitchen towards her room, when she's almost there she shouts "fix it peter"

I sigh  loudly and over dramatically as I walk up the stairs i stomp a little to show my disagreement with the idea.
As I reach my room I find a dark hunter green long over shirt to put on over a white v neck shirt. I ruffle my hair in annoyance. Its almost always messy and its a weird texture that tends to stay the way it is.

As I change into them I let out a sigh, thinking about today mom might have made a new friend. The two boys don't bother me, maybe it won't be bad having kids as neighbors. Their sister however she bothers me, she's annoying and judgemental. She's probably going to be all over over my friends and I, she seems really dizzy so she'll most likely be a huge pain in my ass. Although I've never seen anyones eyes change so quickly.
I dont want her around at all.

Im brought out of my thoughts by my front door opening and shutting i tense immediately i quickly check my phone its barely 5:00 they can't be here already. I relax as I hear felix and rufio shouting mom im home.
I roll my eyes of course its only them. Checking myself once in the mirror to make sure I pass moms standards I walk out of my room.

I stop halfway down the stairs and freeze my two bestfriends are standing in my living room with arms out to their sides and standing straight up. While my mom checks their outfits and makes some changes. (Felix's hat is removed from his head, rufio had has to switch his shirt from inside out to the right side in) I laugh not able to hold it anymore as they glare at me. I almost regret laughing as moms eyes snap to me and does a once over with a nod. Before looking for other things she missed on felix. (Right now he's having a spit bath because there was dirt on his face)
I pass him with a smirk and make my way to the kitchen with rufio.

As we walk into the kitchen he says "since when does  ( your ) mom care about us looking perfect"
As I take the pans out of the oven I shrug and say, "guess since it's the new neighbors, she wants to make a good impression or something" rufio smirks and says "all of them are coming?" Not following his brain function i shrug , "I think so. It's the kids, and their mom apparently their dad isn't here or something I wasn't really paying attention"
If possible rufio's smirk gets wider and he says "that's cool, can I sit next to the girl"  I roll my eyes , "I really dont care, long as she's nowhere near me"

right as I say that my mom enters and hits me in the side ,With her  finger poking to my chest she says "be nice, Wendy is a very nice young lady" turning towards all of us with her deadly finger still pointed she says "that goes for all of you, am I clear ?"
We all nod in unsion and say "crystal"
She smiles happily as if she didn't just threaten all of us, and claps her hands and says "good boys, now let's set the table"

We shuffle around slowly in the kitchen getting plates, napkins, and silverware, while mom flitters around like a fairy finding problems that don't exist to fix.
Finally as we set the last of the cups down. Mom rushes into the kitchen and checks to make sure everything is ready. She smiles happily and kisses each of our cheeks in thanks.

She lets out a sigh of content, just as we hear the doorbell ring..........................great they are here............shit.

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