getting to know the darlings pt1.

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Wendy's POV

Judging by the look on Peter's face he doesn't want us over for dinner later on tonight..
What is his deal?

While rolling my eyes at his obvious displeasure towards his mother's plans, I notice the excitement drain from Mother's face. I furrow my eyebrows, before quickly realizing mother saw his reaction
Rather quickly I turn on my heel and make my way towards my brothers who are talking to Peter..

When i make my way there Micheal turns and grabs my hand ,immediately mentioning something about playing with water, but all I notice is the fact that Peter's green eyes are narrowed into a glare so intense I feel that he was glaring at my soul.

Ms.Pan seems to have noticed the way he is looking at me,as she comes from behind me and smacks him in the head, with a quick ,"knock it Off Peter." I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

He smirks ,"whatever, do you mean, I'm not doing anything ." to which. Ms.Pan says nothing and smacks him again. I dont even feel bad as a giggle slips out.

But I regret it as soon as it does, when he narrows his piercing green eyes at me ,Carefully to make sure his mother doesn't see. Being the stubborn girl that I am, I narrow my blue eyes right back.

I dont know how long we've been just standing here glaring at one another ,when ms.Pan walks by pats me on the shoulder and grabs Peter by his ear, before yanking him back towards their house.

I smile at ms.Pan and wave, before scooping up a giggling micheal and tickling him all the way back into the house. quickly followed by mother and john.

Once inside mother tells John and I to begin taking boxes to their corresponding rooms. And to begin unpacking some of the boxes for our bedroom and our shared bathroom. While she had Michael help her, with the kitchen and dinning room.

------------------------TIme skip----------------------

Once John and I are finished moving boxes upstairs we decide to open them in the hallway and empty everything into seperate sides, that our rooms are on.
Making myself comfortable on the floor. John brings over the four boxes that are filled with books before setting himself down across from me on the floor. Each of us grab a box and use John's pocket knife to open it.

Opening the box I have, I pull out the first book and smile it's one of mine, the poems of Robert frost. Gently I set the book down beside me and reach into the box again.

Finding one of Michaels picture books this time. I smile at the memory of me reading it to him ,setting it down farther away from john and I' s pile, I notice John has already pulled out four books two of which he is holding in a way that shows me the cover and his eyebrows are raised in question.

I smile apologetically not even doubting I tuned him out for a bit
And nod towards the books , which he then hands over to me.
To which I set down, in my small pile up against the outer wall of my new room. Seeing certain books causes me to smile in rememberence of the memories they hold.

Not even 30 minutes later the two boxes of books are emptied and brought into the correct rooms.
I nod to John and we each grab a box labeled clothes written in our respective handwriting and disappear behind each of our bedroom doors.

-------------------time skip-------------------------

(John and wendy have been putting things up in their rooms for quite a while)

I sigh as mother yells from downstairs for John and I to get ready for dinner with ms.Pan,Peter and (from what I've heard from John) Peter's friends.
I only hope they are nicer than Peter is.

Walking towards my new closet I frown. What's appropriate to wear to this dinner?
Maybe some jeans and a nice shirt.
Ms.Pan appears to be one who likes her jeans and nice accessories.
Which I can work with....

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