a failed apology.

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What happened after game night.)

Peter's pov

My mom has been hounding me since last weekend at the darlings game night to figure out why I avoided speaking to Wendy. I haven't given her anything to go on, so she's been subtly giving me evil eyes. I think she might think that I'm bullying Wendy or something. I keep shutting that idea down and telling her that's not the case at all its just we but heads.
She doesn't believe me, and she keeps pushing me for a straight answer. I'd give her one if I had one to give her, I have no idea why I ignored Wendy's texts and let it get awkward between us. Honestly, when she left I was kind of sad to see her go and I now I feel like any interaction with Wendy will go bad. It's been exactly one week since our game night at the darlings house and today tink, fawn and Rufio are coming to my place to work on a project for history class.

I run a hand through my hair lazily, and I open Instagram to waste some time while I wait for my friends. As per usual I see a post of Tink's nails, a borderline cringy photo that rufio took and I see perri got some new ice skates and I pause my scrolling coming up on a photo from Wendy's acxount. She's hanging off a roof or something somewhere and comments on it are asking who took the photo and where she was at. I read the caption and snicker a little, wondering why she was on a roof to begin with.

AN: photo wouldn't place in story it went everywhere but where it needs to be. So photo is at the top as the header

Darling_Wen : today's conversation
jane:"oh my gods, wens, get down you're gonna fall." Me: "but what if I flew?" Bae: "if you fly, I'm not on the right meds. "

I scroll past it and then scroll back to it again, and I like her post. Hopefully that works as a metaphorical olive branch. Maybe I can still save our friendship or at least save our close proximity relationship that our moms are going to force us into. I sigh to myself as I try and think of a good excuse for why I was ignoring her. Wendy may be naive, but she's not stupid she'll ask. I'll have to give her a real reason. My front door opens and I don't move from the couch assuming it to be rufio, I'm mistaken as tink flops on to the couch next to me. I offer her a nod in greeting and bell leans over to look at my screen. I let her and she smiles at me "you're finally catching up with everyone, good for you." I give her a sarcastic look and she laughs "I'm just kidding." I roll my eyes deciding to test her "I was actually looking at Wendy's newest post." Tink's eyes light up with fire and she hums "oh the roof Pic, if she knew anything about photography she'd have turned around, her eyes would've been pretty in the sun." I raise one eyebrow and tink shrugs "I know the science behind photos." I nod slowly "right, okay." She sighs "anyways, what are we starting with tonight?" I shrug "the research part?" Tink nods standing up from my couch and walking into the kitchen.

I sigh to myself, the moment she's out of the room. Hearing tink talk about Wendy in a slightly less negative way feels strange. Beside me my phone lights up with a notification that Wendy liked one of my posts. I bite my lip in concern, I don't think Wendy's gonna be easy to make up with. There's another knock on the door and without any response it opens and shuts and I turn to see rufio walking in the house. He doesn't look up from his phone as he makes his way to me and I can't help but roll my eyes at his antics, must be a girl.
He barely looks up at me in greeting as he sits down next to me where tink was at previously. I raise my eyebrow as I wait for him to tell me about the girl. He shakes his head and pockets his phone "so fawn said she's running behind and we should start without her, she'll catch up " I nod still curious about who he was so interested in talking to that he barely missed the end table in the entryway.

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