the dinner part 3

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Wendy's pov

After the words "dinner is ready" left Peter's lips, ms.pan happily clapped her hands and tries to stand up only to be stopped by my mother's hand gently on her shoulder. I meet her eyes and she nods. I smile back at her and I can feel eyes on me as I step towards the table.

Ignoring everyone's confused expressions I reach the table and start gathering the plates into a stack in my hand my mind still swimming in anger. My head snaps up as rufio playfully reaches for the plates and I turn away keeping them out of his reach. I step towards my mother and ms. Pan to gather the remaining plates and my mother meets my eyes and seeing her so happy reminds me why im here. I sigh quietly and make my way towards the island where Peter is standing.

I gently set the plates down beside him and keep my head down. When I dont hear movements, I lift my head enough to see that he's waiting for me to do or say something, rather than creating any more negativity I push the plates closer to the pans and I appears he gets the idea.

He makes a plate and I take it to the table setting it in front of ms.pan first and then, my mother until there's a plate and a drink in front of every chair. Peter passes me as I grab the pitcher of ice water and pour myself some in my cup.

He takes a seat at the opposite end of the table from his mom and I sigh quietly as I notice the only seat not taken is beside him.

I take a deep breath, you can do this Wendy, be a proper lady.
I let it out and take my seat quietly beisde him. As I sit down Felix bumps his shoulder with mine and raises his eyebrows at me in a silent question. I smile in reposne im not going to ask him to switch with me.  I look straight in front of me as rufio speaks " so Wendy have you been in town yet, or met anyone other than us?
I swallow my water and respond "oh,I haven't, i haven't even finished putting my room together yet" Rufio nods taking another forkful of lasagna into his mouth and Felix hums as if thinking on what to say. Unsurprisingly peter remains silent.

Felix swallows his food and opens his mouth to speak when Ms.pan excitedly questions what my siblings and I did today. Micheal speaks first happily talking about how we got into a tickle fight this morning that he obviously won, of course. I smile as he speaks, hes become so grown up in the last couple of years. I missed alot I frown into my plate and push my fork around absently as I remember why exactly I wasnt around as much.
I feel a kick to my leg and my head snaps up and I meet John's eyes across the table. I can read that look I've received it often from him. Its the are you okay look, I smile back at him reassuring him that all is well and I turn back to the conversation of the table absent mindedly playing with my food, upset with myself that I let my head wander into a negative space.

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