stop stressing Wendy!

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(In which Wendy and peter have super cute moments and John is not as nice as Peter thought, Mikey is an adorable child, and Peter realizes something(s) )

Wendy's pov

Peter's video game character has been brutally murdering my own for a while now. If he wasn't so amused and relaxed all at once I probably would've asked to change games. However his smile is very cute and I don't wanna make him stop smiling at me like that. His smile slips as his mothers voice echoes through the house telling us it was time to go join my family for dinner. He looks like a deflated balloon as he begins to shut down the game system as he sits up from his laid down position he'd been in for a while.

As he stands up from his bed taking his controller with him, I rotate my head around to loosen the stiff feeling in my neck. I stretch my legs out in front of me, I've been sitting criss cross for a while now. Peter puts his controller on the charger as I stand up from my spot. I grab the controller I was using and he holds out his hand. I can't even pretend to know why, but instead of handing him the controller I place my hand in his. Immediately he tenses and I start to pull my hand away, fully prepared to stutter through an apology. But he grabs my hand keeping it in place as he reaches across me with his other hand and grabs my controller.

I frown at him and he gives me an smug look as he puts my controller on the charger for me and releases my hand all at once. Instantly I miss the connection and warmth and I'm sad he tricked me. "You know I'm not helpless." I say and I wince at the not so hidden annoyance in my tone. He nods as he wipes his palms on his thighs before he grabs his phone. "are you always so stubborn darling?" He asks as with a raised eyebrow look. "I was trying to be a polite guest, but if you must know I'm very stubborn." His mothers voice yells again, with more urgency in her tone. "I'm pretty stubborn too." Peter mumbles as he grabs my wrist and attempts to pull me, however I try to pull myself free, but he yanks harder and we end up chest to chest and face to face.

His eyes are a darker shade of green than they usually are and I feel my face burn at how close we physical are. He looks down at me and I feel his chest move when he laughs under his breath. "I think I'm more stubborn than you are." Before I can say anything else he backs away and begins pulling me by my wrist with zero resistance out of his bedroom and into the hallway. I duck my head as he leads me towards the stairs, willing my cheeks to return to a normal shade.As we reach the top of the steps I try and pull my hand free but Peter tightens his hold. "I just told you I'm more stubborn." He mumbles and i tilt my head, is he pouting? "So I've seen." I mumble back and he turns to look at me over his shoulder. I use his distraction to pull my wrist free.

He gives me an amused eyebrow raise and for some reason that makes me blush all over again. I quickly side step him and I'm two steps down when I hear his footsteps trailing after me.He speeds up and I step to one side of the steps so he doesn't run into me and he passes me. I breathe out a sigh of relief but it turns into a gasp as he leans towards me from the step in front of me to be eye level with me. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks with a half smirk on his face and I notice my eyes darting to the curve of his lips movement. I quickly snap my attention back to his eyes hoping he didn't notice what I was looking at.

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