the first day (part 1)

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(So the above is how I imagine her hair)

Wendy POV

I am woken up to the sound of stifled laughter and shh's coming from above me. I focus on trying to remain as if I were still asleep. Now I hear the floor creak with the movement of John and Michael trying to "scare" me awake.

They're right above me now I
Can see there shadows looming over me. I hold my features as relaxed as possible until I hear movement from the same spot. Now! I think as I lean up and wrap my arms around my brothers and pull them both down and laugh at their screams. Tickling them brings out squeals of laughter from them.

Sometime during this mother came rushing in looking frantic with worry. Once she saw the scene she relaxed and smiled. Before asking us just what in the heavens we were doing without inviting her. Pretty soon all of us were on the floor covered with pillows , teddy , and sleeping bags.

We layed there for a while with mother holding all of us close until. Michael's stomach growled alerting mother that we haven't been fed yet.
Immediately mother sobered up. and
Rushed out the room with a quick " tidy up and get dressed my darlings, breakfast should be ready by then."

once we tidied up Michaels bedroom floor from the previous nights sleeping arrangements. John and I went to into our separate rooms to get dressed.
Walking into my room I sigh its so full of boxes and pieces of furniture are scattered around. Good thing I labeled the boxes. With another sigh I look for the suitcase I packed for the journey from England to The U.S. I packed extra clothes just for this purpose.

I pull out some light wash denim Capri pants and a faded blue and white plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. I slip on my faded blue vans and head into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. After a moment I decide to tie my waist length red and blonde hair (her hair has a lighter off shade of red and natural blonde Ish colored highlights.) Into a low side braid. Once I'm satisfied with my appearance for the day I open up the door and see John standing on the other side of it. We share polite smiles and switch places.

As I make my way down the hallway mentally tracking which way my room and the stairs are. I'm pretty sure I have just passed my new Room when I hear Micheal calling for help. I stop and mentally prepare for whatever situation I might walk into. Here goes...

immediately I start to laugh. Micheal has somehow managed to knock over a lot of boxes and he's stuck under a box of toys. I try to hide my smile as I walk towards him and pick up the box with some struggle I admit. I pick him up and he wraps his arms around my neck as I try and stop his sobs.

I walk down the stairs holding Micheal with John following us. Once we reach the kitchen we see different types if cereal all over the counters. Smiling towards mother we prepare our cereal and sit and eat.

---------------------time skip------------------------

We've been outside for about an hour or two unloading the moving truck and the car of all the things we left in it yesterday afternoon when we arrived. When all if a sudden I hear a shuffle noise from the left of me. I look up and see this beautiful woman who has red with a brown tone to it hair. Bright hazel eyes and Beaming smile
Talking to mother. She seems nice I think with a fond smile , now mother will have a friend.

I didn't realize I was staring until mother exclaimed" Darlings come here and meet our new neighbor, Penny"
The woman now directs her smile towards us and I notice she's not as young as I had initially thought.
She beams and reintroduces herself to Michael , who greets her with a shy hello from his place behind me. John steps in front of me and says, "hello ms..."
"Ms. Pan pleased to meet you I'm John Darling. He states shaking her hand in his. Once he steps back I'm reminded that Its my turn.

Stepping away from Michael and taking johns previous spot,
I smile politely , remembering what aunt Millicent taught me
"Hello, I'm penny pan nice to meet you .."
I continue to hold eye contact and keep the smile on my face and reply Wendy darling, pleasure to meet you ms. Pan.
To my surprise she frowns and turns towards mother ,
"Thats not fair your three children show perfect manners and my one doesn't even say excuse me half the time."
Mother simply laughs and begins to respond when we hear a new voice ,
"Gee thanks mom I'm really feeling the level of your love for me" looking away from mother and ms. Pan I see boy number 2 from yesterday

Ms. Pan rolls her eyes and says with a tone of matter of factly "well. Mary,Wendy, Michael, John this is my son Peter." We share polite smiles and handshakes respectively. I notice his haste to quickly shake my hand before I can say hi ,he has already moved on to my brothers whom he appears to be having a conversation with. When Michael mentions my name I notice that Peter's green eyes narrow

I'm awkwardly standing there wondering what I did to a boy I just met when , ms.Pan claps her hands , my brothers and I look up in confusion for different reasons . Until mother says how nice it was that penny invited us over for dinner tonight at her house. With her and Peter...


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