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(In which Penny pan is a bad ass, Peter just wants to eat be left alone, rufio had jealousy issues, and the Darlings are reunited)

Peter pov

When I entered the kitchen, I see my mom has made mini finger sandwiches for us and most of the people in the room already had one in their hands. I notice that my mom and Wendy seem to be having a quiet conversation hovering by the tray of snacks but neither of them is holding any food. I step in their direction to snag one of the small turkey and cheese bites for myself when I hear my mom say "make a list, if you want to know if you really like him." My moms words stop me in my tracks and I feel my stomach twist at the possibility of what they could be discussing. My mom notices me over Wendy's shoulder and waves at, causing Wendy to twist her head around to look at me. I greet them both with a two fingered salute, unable to form a single sound. Wendy gives me a soft smile before she turns back around to face my mom "I think I might try that." I quickly grab a few bite sized sandwiches and scramble away from them.

My mind is buzzing, who were they talking about? Who does Wendy think she likes? Why did she immediately smile at me before agreeing to my mom's idea? Does Wendy Darliny like me? Am I the one she needs to make sure of her feelings about? I chew one of the sandwiches in a confused daze.
Wendy can't like me, we hardly know each other. What if it's Rufio? That thought makes me pause my chewing as I feel nauseous at the concept. Rufio is a true womanizer even for our age and I wouldn't let him hurt Wendy that way. She's to sweet to be one of Rufio's exgirlfriend's, where they are all stuck on themselves the most make up I've ever seen Wendy with is chapstick. I glance over at Wendy and notice ny mom has stepped away from her with her phone pressed to her ear.

I quickly turn back to the sandwich left in my hand and pray that Wendy didn't catch me looking at her. I don't want her to get any false ideas about the nature of our relationship. We are friends and that it a new development, she can't like me. It doesn't make any sense for her to like me, unless I've been to nice to her lately. If that's the case I might have to remind her why we fight often. I hear footsteps and I look up to see Wendy approaching me. I fix my face into a blank expression as she stops next to me. I expected her to keep walking and not want to deal with me but she sighs "is it strange that I'm anxious to see my family? In my heart I know they are going to be excited to see me, but my brain is in overdrive that my mom exaggerated how much they miss me." Immediately I table all my internal issues with her and steal a small sandwich from the napkin in her hand as I say "i don't think she could of exaggerated enough, those boys adore you. For whatver reason." I end with a joke in an attempt to cheer her up. She smiles but rolls her eyes at me as she playfully shoves my shoulder with hers.

Rufio, Felix and Flynn walk our way effectively ending the private conversation we were having. I'm thankful for the intrusion though, I'm going to have to start distancing myself from her anyways. "What's do you think Pete?" I blink in confusion at Flynn's question and he sighs rolling his eyes at me. Rufio speaks for him "we were wondering if you wanted to go to smee's tomorrow afternoon?" I nod my head "uh yeah that sounds fine." Flynn grins at Wendy "you know they say your favorite ice cream flavor can tell you alot about someone." Rufio rolls his eyes "you know what else can?" Flynn glances at him in question and Rufio smirks at him "talking to a person, asking them questions." Flynn rolls his eyes and I can practically feel the argument about to start when there's a knock at the front door.

Wendy whips her head around in the direction of the front door and my mom mouths the words "hide her" at me. I blink in confusion at my mom, how do I hide a whole person? Rufio grabs Wendy's arm and tugs her behind him, so she can't be seen from the entryway of the kitchen. I roll my eyes at the scene of course he used that as an excuse to keep her away from Flynn. I can tell Flynn knows it as well and he glares at Rufio. We hear footsteps and we all except Wendy, who is currently ducking behind Rufio's frame turn to see my mom guiding John into the room.

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