good -bye part 1

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(So sorry, I had over half this chapter written and then I lost the whole thing.) (Peter's pov will be here shortly, I've already started writing it!!!)

(Summary: less focus on the dinner table. But some cute Darling family scenes and some Rebel Peter Pan, cause we know we love him! I really just wanted a bonding experience with Peter and Wendy.)

Wendy's pov

i hear Peter's retreating footsteps and assume he has left the roomHowever, I quickly recognize his shadow still positioned behind me. I sigh confused by his neglect of my request for him to go on down without me and offer him a half smile. Sometimes he's quite a mystery to me. "You didn't have to wait on me" I tell him as I tap the tip of my toeon the carpet awaiting his next move He was confusing me momentsago when he was speaking about us liking one another, his word play was clever but it didn't feel like a set up when he started.. He nods with a smile in mydirection. "I thought you knew me well enough by now, I don't do anything Idon't want to." His words make my stomach feel kind of like I do when I'mnervous for a test or an audition but slightly different.

I'm overwhelmed with affection for my friend as his words ring true,I've known him to be quite stubborn, and every choice he's made to be around me or to speak with me is his own. He's telling me that he wouldn't be around me if he didn't want to me. A small part of me wonders how much of my conversation with John he overheard.Although I guess it doesn't matter, I stop walking barely realizing I had started walking out of my room with him. He turns to me as if to ask what'swrong but I lift myself up on to my tip toes and place a thank you kiss a the top of his cheek. His mouth falls open and I ignore the warmth that I feel on my lips from his slightly red cheeks. I nervously giggle as I lower myself back down to the ground. "Thank you for everything."I tell him and Peter nods his head giving me a nod in response.

He gestures for me to walk and we silently make our way down the hall together.That is until we reach the top of the steps and Peter grabs my hand and squeezes it in his before he lets go and steps around me to walk in front of me. I smile to myself asI trail after him heading downstairs. He waits for me at the bottom of the steps and I roll my eyes at him as I stop on the last step. "you know I am able to find the kitchen on my own, right?" I question as I stand eye level with Peter.His own eyebrows loft slightly in amusement before he smirks leaning slightly closer towards me , I start to lean back but decide against it. I lean into his spacemaking his eyes widen a bit. "careful Wendy, someone will really think we like each other." his voice is barely a whisper in the space between us. "And pray tell Peter, whose fault would that be?" I question as I step past him leaving himstanding near the steps. I chance one glance over my shoulder and notice that he's still standing there with his head hung towards the floor. I grin to myself as I enter the kitchen alone.

The boys are already seated at the table as Mother begins to place our dinner in the center of the table. Father is pouring an amber liquid onto a glass, while Penny is pouring some water. I smile as I make my way over to her take the glasses to the table for her and get one of my own as well. Penny hands methe two glasses. "You like one as well?" She asks. I nod my head. "Yes ma'am, please and Thank you." I tell her as I carrythe glasses over to the table. Both my brothers offer me a smile as I place the glasses in front of them. As I approach Penny once again, I notice her looking around the room. "Where is Pet- Never mind there he is." I feelhis eyes on me as soon as he enters the room, and I shiver slightly until they move off me as I hear him pull out a chair to take a seat.Penny makes a small noise of amusement next to me, as she bumps her shoulder with mine. "If he ever does anything that makes you feel uncomfortable you tell me. " She finishes with narrowed eyed in his direction. I smile at the threatening tone of her voice. "He would never." I tell her without hesitation my mind reminding me of the walk over here and what he had said. Penny is looking at me with a strange look on her face but she nods slowly as she leaves me at the counter and takes her seat at the table. I'm not sure what to make ofher reaction to my defending of her son's character.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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