the first day (part 2)

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Peters POV

*crash* *slam*
Ugh my stupid new neighbors
How dare they *thunk*
Make that much noise this early in the morning when everyone is trying to sleep. Groaning about the fact I can still hear them through my pillow covering both my ears. I get up and head downstairs to eat something.

Once I make it down there I am greeted with my moms head tilted and raised eyebrows as she looks at me over the top of her laptop.As I make my way to her she asks
, "so what woke you from the dead?"
Her tone filled with false concern
I smile at her with all the sarcasm I have , and say "oh, just our considerate neighbors" and with that I lean down and kiss the top of her head before walking towards the coffee pot (not missing that she rolled her eyes at me)once I have poured myself a cup.

I ask her where my breakfast is and she shrugs sipping her coffee , replying "I don't know what your talking about , in order to have breakfast you have to wake up before lunch time." She smirks. Smirking back I reply "cereal it is then"

Once I'm done eating she makes me go upstairs to get dressed and shower because I quote on quote "have teenage boy smell ,and the fly's are going to start following me around soon" once my mom makes that comment she smiles before telling me to go.

I walk back into my room and realize I can't find my phone , groaning at my lack of remeberance of where I put it last night I begin throwing pillows , and blankets off the bed in hopes of hearing it fall or seeing it. Suddenly I hear it hit something

. "success" I think and immediately regret it as its fallen onto my floor between my bed and the wall.
Grunting I reach down and get it opening my curtains in the process not expecting to see the new neighbors outside still since I didn't hear them anymore

I see the girl Rufio called dibs on smiling as she picks up the smallest of the two boys and spins him around. I hear him squeal with laughter and I can see that the girl is laughing. However I don't hear her. Observing them a second more I realize that the man I saw before is not there
Just the woman, the girl , and the two boys.

I begin to wonder which of them will be attending my school. I didn't realize I was staring at the back of the red haired girls head until I begin to see some blonde in her hair and she stops and begins to turn around , towards my window . Snapping out of it and thanking my quick reflexes I step back and retrieve my phone , making sure to stay hidden

She furrows her eyebrows looking around , shaking my head I grab a pair of jeans and a green thin hoodie and head to the bathroom.


Once im out of the shower , I hear a knock on the bathroom door.
"Yea, yea I'm out what?" My moms voice responds through the door , "don't you yea, yea me, I was just trying to tell you that I'm going over to the new neighbors in about 6 minutes to invite them over for dinner tonight. And I suggest you make an appearance."

I groan and I hear her laugh through the door, "I mean it peter" She says before stepping back from the door and I hear her footsteps echo down the hallway. With a sigh I throw on my clothes and attempt to brush my usually messy hair.

Throwing open the door , I stomp my way to my room , just to show my distaste of my mom's idea. I hear her laugh and say " 30 seconds."
Cursing under my breath , I groan as I try to find my other faded green converse, since I so cleverly threw them somewhere in my room when I came up yesterday. Groaning again as I hear the front door shut.

Finally finding it I sit on the edge of my bed and slip them on
Before shoving my earbuds and cell phone in my pockets and rush my way down the hall and leap over the railing thats over the front room. Landing perfectly like I always do, I stand up and reach for the door handle and step out onto the porch.

With narrowed eyes I spot my mom , talking to the woman, as I make my way over to them at my normal nonchalant pace I watch as the the three of them shake my moms hand. I'm almost to them when I watch in confusion as my mom frowns turning towards the women once she has shaken the girls hand.

I reach them in time to hear my mom say "Mary, that's not fair, your three children show perfect manners, and my one doesn't even say excuse me half the time" My eyes narrow at her and I say "Gee thanks mom I'm really feeling the level of your love for me" in my sarcastic voice.

Once I speak I notice 4 sets of eyes on me one set coming from behind the woman's leg. My mom rolls her eyes pushing me away by the head before turning away to the woman and saying "well , Mary, Wendy, Michael, John, this is my son."

They politely smile at me in the order their name is called , they each reach out their hand and we shake hands respectively

The girl reaches out to shake my hand after her mom. And I bite my cheek and smile politely and quickly shake her Hand, she begins to open her mouth and immediately I let go and move on to the two boys.

I hear a confused"hi" come out of her mouth but I ignore her and continue Shaking john, and michaels hand. Over the top of the smaller one's head I can see , her still standing there confused. I hold back a smirk

I ask them how old they are and who is who. John informs me that he is 12 , he seems to me like the mature type
And micheal excitedly and proudly states that he is 6 years old. Still bouncing with excitement Michael exclaims and" our olders sister Wendy is 15 ."

Hearing her name seems to have snapped her out of whatever thoughts were going through her head.

As her eyes meet mine I narrow my eyes at her. She raises an eyebrow at me
I bite my cheek to hide my smirk.

Then Michael begins to talk I look down at him , he smiles before asking" how old are you Peter? , I smile as I hear an accent of some kind on my name . and respond with I'm 16. He looks like he's thinking and is opening his Mouth.

His mom comes over and says something about how nice it was for my mom to invite her and her kids over to dinner at our house tonight , tuning out the rest all I can think is, well fuck....

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