Peter's day at the mall.

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Peter has to face Wendy after realizing his feelings for her.)

I slump Into the chair across from Flynn who is drinking coffee at the Starbucks table I left him at to begin with. He looks like he's trying not to laugh and I glare at him. "Not a word Ryder." I hiss before I drop my head into my hands. He thankfully sips his drink quietly and I let the tension leave my shoulders. I frown at the table, i just figured out I liked Wendy and then she walked up and I completely short circuited on the spot. That's never happened to me before even withTinkerbells unwanted advances, I've never completely froze or panicked that hard before. Horror and dread suddenly fills me, I ran from her. She was just being nice trying to make sure I was okay and I bolted. She's gonna think she did something and she's gonna be stressed about it until she talks to me. I sigh to myself and Flynn speaks. "You know you're making a lot of noise for someone who doesn't want me to talk." I flip him off and he scoffs. "That's not nice." I lift my head and glare at him. He holds his hands up in a mock surrender type of way. "Well for someone who has a first crush you sure are touchy." I narrow my eyss at him and he lifts his drink up taking a another long sip and avoiding eye contact with me.

I cross my arms and tap my foot impatiently. "How did you know?" He stops mid slurp and I watch the liquid go back down the straw, gross. He releases his hold on his cup and let's the straw fall from his mouth. "How did I know what?" I glance away feeling my face and ears burn when thinking about this subject. "That you were right?" He smirks at me. "That you liked her?" I nod my head slowly as I stare at a shelf somewhere behind him. I will not be looking him in the face and discussing my feelings, like some teenage girl. Flynn kicks my leg to stop my foor from tapping against the floor. "You were protective." I open my mouth to argue but he holds his hand up. "Which now that I know she is prone to panic attacks, makes sense. But you stayed in the closet with her instead of letting her hide alone." I flush darker at his words.

He gives me an amused smile. "You care about what she thinks of you." I raise my eyebrows at him and he continues. "You were going nuts when she was upset with you, and you were asking how to fix your friendship. I've known you forever and I've never seen you put that much effort into making friends before." I nod slowly in understanding. Flynn smirks leaning forward across the table part way into my personal space. "You made us come here today cause you don't trust Tinkerbell that much." I sigh dragging my hand down my face. "Anything else, that gave it away?" He nods energetically and I tilt my head at him exasperated. He grins at me looking way to pleased with the turn of events. "You sat by her at smees, you glared at Rufio about the theater question. You spend time with her whenever you can." He holds up a finger after each comment and I wonder how no one else figured it out if I was that obvious.

He smirks at me as he says. "But the biggest tell was while we were at Smee's you got upset and wendy grabbed your wrist and you instantly relaxed." I tilt my head at him confused. "You saw that?" He nods his head. " I was standing up to reach the napkins to throw at you to help calm you down, but Wendy was much more effective." I nod slowly, I didn't realize he even saw that at Smee's. I drop my head backwards against the back of my chair and sigh. "She's been in my head since she moved in and I thought it was because she was new and then that would wear off when she left." I pause tapping my foot again. "then she kissed my cheek and put me in my place and yelled at me and made me feel like I was scum. It just, i-  I felt like I had to apologize to her cause it was driving me crazy not talking to her, I just didn't realize why."  I know I sped through that last part for sure but it feels strangley more real to admit out loud.

Flynn waves his hands frantically. "Wait back up, she kissed you?" I roll my eyes at him. "Not like that, she asked me to look after her brothers and I agreed and she said thank you." I trail off  feeling annoyed at myself for accidentally telling him that.  Flynn rolls his eyes back at me in a mocking way. "So let me get this straight she kissed you and then you started basically ignoring her and pissed her off, that's why you had to apologize to her?" I nod my head finding the ground interesting and Flynn scoffs kicking my shin. "Pete, that's kind of fucked up." I nod my head and he shakes his. "Well least you two made up, but you still need to talk to Rufio about your revelation." I sigh and nod my head in agreement.

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