the dinner part 2

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(Pans dinning table in the kitchen where everyone is sitting to eat at this very awkward dinner)

Peter's pov

Soon as the doorbell rang, I watched my mom's face light up instantly.
And she steps through the kitchen doorway to meet the family at the door.

I turn towards felix and he shrugs stepping past me heading towards the fridge. Quickly losing interest i look to Rufio who is fixing his hair and leaning "casually" on the counter.
I roll my eyes at his attempts, at being subtle, and sigh as I hear footsteps making their way towards the kitchen.

I have just turned to the cabinet to put one cup back into the cabinet. When I feel eyes on my back, I don't turn around, I dont want them here and I don't want to be here. I let out a sigh im doing this for mom doesn't mean im gonna be happy about it. I hear everyone shifting towards the kitchen table.
Deeming it safe I turn towards the oven and I notice micheal is standing rooted to his spot in the doorway. Staring at his sister, shrugging I turn back to the oven to change the temperature to a lower setting. And hear a giggle come from her.

I roll my eyes, she's annoying. I tense as i hear one set of feet walking in ny direction, maybe she'll pass right by me and head to my mom. I open the overn to put the garlic bread in and no such luck...
"Peter" I dont stop or acknowledge her as i open the oven door. Not getting the hint she tries again
"Peter, I have a question" I shut the oven door and glare at her.
Surprising me again she lets out a huff and I can see her nose flare , before she steps past me bumping her shoulder into mine as she passses. maybe i hit a nerve ,good

I dont bother to turn around, i know shes going to someone else. However what im not expecting is for Rufio to be the one she approaches. I listen without turning around, dumb girl.
"Hello, my name is Rufio" rufio says and I know he's trying to become friendly with her. "pleasure, this might sound strange, but you see I have question"
That throws me off thats the same thing she said to me i wait for a minute my curiosity is getting the best of me and I hear her "where -" thats all I hear as my mother embarrasses felix behind them and I scowl.

Before I can think to much about it, she rushes past me and bends down to micheal, who nods the entire time she talks and then he runs out of the kitchen. Im at a loss, she straightens into a stand and as she turns around the smile falls off her face when she sees me looking at her.

As she steps closer she rolls her eyes and says " he probably wouldn't have ran if you'd have just answered my question " and then shes walking away towards her family. I shake my head and watch the interactions between the new neighbors and my family it looks okay for the most part, mom looks happy, rufio is flirting. As im considering my moms happiness, little micheal comes walking happily and calmly into the kitchen.

Seeing me he walks towards me and smiles "hi ,peter, whats for dinner? I smile back at him, gently ruffling his hair and say back "lasagna" he grins happily. Seeing as everyone is in there own conversations i ask where he took off to in such a hurry. He looks down and kicks his shoe" i needed the bathroom" he mumbles

realization dawns on me, he was embarrassed to ask so she asked for him. I nod in understanding its okay micheal, everyone has to go sometimes. He nods, when movement catches our eye its John and he's walking swiftly out of the kitchen with his cell phone up to his ear.
Sharing a look with micheal we both shrug and I start to walk up to my freinds and I see Wendy her back is to me and her hands are clasped behind her and she says "I apologize about earlier. It was rude of me not to introduce myself, before asking anything of you "
Rufio laughs waving away her concern "nah were all good, I understand being in a new place and not knowing. But it is nice to meet you Wendy." I see her shoulders relax at his words.
Finally reaching them I walk between Wendy and the counter stopping in between her and rufio, when I stop i feel micheal run into the back of my leg. I turn towards her "next time darling just ask I won't bite" I hesitate seeing the defiance in her face "least not without being provoked" and I keep walking towards my mom. I turn around and see wendys flushed face and that micheal has stopped being my shadow and is talking to my friends

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