week one without wendy

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(Peter's pov of  his first day back and the week that follows ,finally we get my favorite Disney prince [flynn ryder] and his womanizer ways [for story purposes] also tinks less psycho side which is always nice to see.)

Peter's pov
(First day back to school)

I'm pulled out of my peaceful sleep by the sound of my alarm blaring and I groan trying to silence it without opening my eyes. Unfortunately I can't seem to get it to shut off and I flip around angrily to throw the damn thing only to see my mom standing next to my bed holding it in her hand.
I sigh stretching legs out as she says "wake up. You have to catch the bus in less than thirty minutes." I nod rubbing at my eyes as I sit up in my bed. She nods "I'll put your eggos in the toaster while you get dressed."
I nod silently as I stand up, and my mom walks out of the room. I frown as I look for my phone and I notice it's not on the charger. I groan as I recall that I fell asleep learning about the culture of London. I sigh as I locate it and I plug it in, not bothering to to pay much attention to it at all.

I make my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I scowl as I see the knots in my hair and groan as I brush my teeth before attempting to tame my messy hair. I make it semi presentable, and decide it looks good enough. I walk back to my room to rummage through my closet to find something to wear for the day. I quickly change into my clothes for the day which consists of a black t shirt and tan long sleeved over shirt with some jeans. I finish changing and sit on the edge of my bed to see how dead my phone really is and I almost drop it in surprise as I see Wendy's name across my screen. I sigh as I decide to clear away the notification from the text so I'll be able to ignore it. I made a decision last night while I was reading up on London, to put Wendy far out of my mind. When she was here she made me feel weird and I acted strange. Now that's she's gone, things can finally go back to normal again.

I slip my phone in my pocket and lace up my vans before I leave the room

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I slip my phone in my pocket and lace up my vans before I leave the room.
I fly down the staircase and narrowly miss crashing into my mom, who is leaving the kitchen. She sighs giving me an unimpressed look and I shrug apologetically at her. She shakes her head and kisses my cheek  "have a good day, I'll see you later." I smile and nod as she leaves the house. I walk into the kitchen and pull my hardly warm waffles out of the toaster. I grab my bag out of the closet by the front door and sigh to myself as I make sure I have my phone charger and house keys. Once I'm sure everything is where it's meant to be I leave the house.  I shove my waffle in my mouth as I step out on to the porch to make sure the door is locked. Typically nothing big happens here that I don't know about, but it does piss my mom off I leave the house unlocked while no one is there.

I hear commotion from behind to me and I turn to see the Darling boys climbing into the car that just days ago took Wendy away. Mr.Darling waves at me and I raise my hand in greeting as he climbs in to the driver seat. I watch them for a moment before I make my way down the street to my bus stop. It's strange seeing the boys without Wendy but I don't want to think about her at all.
I shake my head to clear her from my thoughts and i finish eating my waffle as I reach the bus stop. I sigh to myself as I spot Rosetta waiting at the bus stop already. She smiles tiredly "I'm no ready to be back." I nod my head in agreement with her and she sighs yawning. A few of the other kids look over at me but no one really speaks out loud.

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