the party part 1

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(In which Peter and his mom show up and I write cute scenes between my fav not yet a couple)

Peter's pov

I was playing on my phone when my mom told me to grab Wendy's bag and that we were going next door. I had stayed in the kitchen snacking while she went and changed. I nod to myself, waking to the front room as my mom slips on her sandals and has a small box wrapped in her hands. She frowns as she sees me. "Does it kill you to respond to me?" I shrug my mouth still full of one of the last bite-sized sandwiches she made. She rolls her eyes at me and sighs. "Seriously?" I offer her an exaggerated smile showing the food in my mouth, and my mom looks unimpressed with my actions. I swallow the last bites, and she walks past me out the front door.
I grab Wendy's bag and close the front door behind myself. I noticed a few cars in the driveway next door as I trail after my mom to the neighbors house. We meet at the front porch, and I knock on the door for my mom who smiles greatfully at me. It opens only seconds after by Micheal, who smiles and waves happily at us. My mom ruffles his hair, and I quickly scan the small crowd to see if I can find Wendy to ask her about her bag.

I'm surprised to find her in her living room talking to killian Jones and his cousin Harry hook. I clench my jaw as Wendy laughs at something they said to her, Micheal tugs on my shirt, and I glance down at him. He tilts his head at me "that's Wendy's, she was at your house?" I nod my head in response and I'm highly amused by his reaction to finding out she was at my house. He looks like he would if I told him Santa wasn't real. He huffs at me and I pat his shoulder in understanding. "Peter." I hear and my head snaps up to look at Wendy who has made her way to me at some point. She waves with a smile at me and I give her a two finger salute in response. I hold her bag out to her and her smile switches to that fake one as she says "thank you." that smile unsettles me know that I know it's fake and I frown glancing between Micheal and his sister.

I twist the strap around my hand and tilt my head at Wendy studying her a moment "I'll take it, what kind of gentleman would I be letting a proper English girl carry her own bag." She nods at me and together we head up stairs to her room. Soon as we are out of sight from the guests, she sighs slouching her posture slightly.
I raise an eyebrow at her as we enter her room and I set her bag down in her desk chair "you okay?" She nods slowly "overwhelmed, I think." I nod my head and she walks over to her dresser and pulls the headband out of her hair and runs her fingers through it as she says "thank you for bringing my bag up here, you didn't have to." I roll my eyes as I lean agaisnt the wall by her doorway "you looked like you needed to get away." She nods looking at me through the mirror as she replaces the headband in her hair "thank you." I nod "you good now?" She nods taking a deep breath and giving me a small tense smile.

I turn on my heel and gesture for her to lead the way. She gives me a small curtsey and I roll my eyes at how in character the action was for her as she leave her room. I follow after her outside of her room into the hallway where Harry and Killian are standing at the top of the stairs. Doesn't look like either boy has noticed me trailing after Wendy yet and I watch as Killian smiles at Wendy "there you are, everything alright?" She glances between the cousins before she says "I'm alright." I bite my tongue to not audibly scoff at their false kindness towards my friend. Harry smiles at her "you worried me a moment there, practically running away." Wendy ducks her head with embarrassed pink cheeks and I really don't like the way they are watching her every move like a predator stalking it's prey.
Killian nods "I tried to tell Harry if you ran from us it was probably a bad idea to find you." His tone is filled with concern and shame all at once and Wendy reacts exactly they way they thought she would, immediately trying to reassure them. "I'm sorry that was quite rude of me, I assure you that I was simply putting something away." Killian smiles at her and Harry lets out a relieved breath.

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