the party part 2

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(In which Wendy gets to actually experience the party, running on a jetlag and anxiety. What could possibly go wrong? Also Wendy's honestly wondering what goes through some girls heads.)

Hope you enjoy this one y'all !

This chapter was absolutely hell to write ,Cause every time I try to write, I have time to open a new chapter on here, and I was finally able to combine them all into one.

Wendy's pov

Father has been guiding my brothers and I around introducing us to people who's names I'll probably forget shortly. As he's having a short conversation with someone he just introduced us to, I feel very tired. I think the jetlag might be catching up with me, and I momentarily excuse myself to our kitchen away from the people father is wanting to impress and steady myself with the countertop near the sink. I yawn tiredly and take a deep breath, trying to clear my head and stop yet another yawn from coming out I roll my head in a circle trying to stretch my neck a bit so I won't feel as tired. A males voice calls for my attention "if it's it's a crick in your neck, you'll need to do that more than once." The voice is non teasing, and I turn around to see the lifeguard I met the first time I left my house.

I offer a small smile as I respond to him. "Actually, just feeling very jetlag now that the sun has gone down." He nods at me."we've met before, haven't we?" I nod my head "yes we have, but forgive me, your name escapes me." He smiles wider at my answer, and his blue eyes light up. "That's alright, I don't recall yours either. But you can call me Killian." I nod my head at that and offer him my hand to shake. The boy grips my hand gently and pulls it up to his lips to place a kiss on top. I flush at his behavior, surprised by his actions. He smiles, releasing my hand, and says, "Your name, love?" I feel my ears burn in embarrassment as I never gave it to him. "Wendy." I manage to get out without further embarrassment, and he grins at me. "Lovely name for a lovely girl." I duck my head at his praise,unsure where it comes from.

Another voice joins us and we both turn to see yet another dark-haired male entering the room."damn jones you found the prettiest girl at the party." He finishes his statement with a wink. This boy is tall, like killian, and has black hair styled messily like peters almost. His eyes are shades of blue brighter than killians ocean eyes are, and his cheek bones are very defined. Killian rolls his eyes at the unknown boy before turning back towards me. "Wendy, please forgive my cousin Harry." I feel my lips fall into an oh shape at the response, and Harry smirks at me "ive nothing but compliment the lady kil." The manner in which Harry carries himself comes off as cocky and makes me unconsciously step closer to killian for safety. Killian notices and frowns "Harry your dickery is showing." Harry's smirk drops and he frwons "Apologies miss, was all in good fun. Promise I'm a good guy when I try to be." I offer a small unconvinced smile in response and I excuse myself from both the boys.

I leave the kitchen and quickly duck into the livingroom, to hide in plainsight. I absently spot Mikey running towards the stairs with a few other kids trailing behind. I absently wonder if Nana is hiding somewhere safe or if mother hid her in the garage away from the guests. Mother steps next to me offering me a glass of water. I smile at her in thanks, and she brushes my hair behind my ear as she says "Are you alright my Darling?" I smile at her and nod my head "yes ma'am, its a wonderful party mother." She smiles at me and nods "not exactly our cup of tea, but your father seems to be happy." I smile into my glass as a woman who's name I'm pretty sure I was told calls mother's name and i watch as mother's smile twistches slightly before she wanders in that direction with her perfect smile in place. I glance around the room and see all the peopel who mother invited on father's behalf.

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