realization part 2

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(((( enter from England, George Darling. I'm excited for Peter and Wendy to finally be civil. I kid you not i have a whole we heart it page dedicated to this story for inspiration purposes and it's finally coming together, I'm so happy. On with the story ))))

💕💕Also thank you so much for all the love & support on my stories 💕💕

Wendy's pov

I watch my mothers smile be directed at me. The loud banging has brought my brothers and Peter's friends out of Michael's room and into the large hallway. I raise my eyebrow watching as mother smiles "why don't you go answer the door my darlings" I watch John looking at mother like she's nuts.
"Why would all three of us need to answer the door ?" Mother gives him a mock glare and shoves him towards the stairs. Micheal rushes to me and grabs my hand in his hoping to use me to hide from mothers fake glare.
Micheal and I descend the stairs together his hand in mine until we reach the bottom of the stairs.
Soon as his foot touched the last step he ran as fast as possible to the front door.

I shake my head and John looks skeptical as we make make our way at our own pace to the front door. I watch Micheal dance in place as he ushers us to hurry up and he waves up to mother and our guests. John and I finally reach the front door and Micheal huffs at us before pulling open the door. Soon as he sees the person on the other side, Micheal shouts happily as father scoops Micheal up saying "there's my boy" as he enters the house.
It doesn't take long for John to hug father and I smile at the scene.
Father happily squeezes John back "there's my man of the house" he says grinning at me over John's head. He opens his arm and it's all the okay I needed to hug father tightly slightly squishing John in the process.

As I'm hugging father, I hear a bark and I smile wider, Nana.
My brothers push themselves away from father and rush outside. I however I squeeze father tighter and he pulls me closer "oh my wendy girl" he says. I smile as he pulls back from my hug and brushes my hair out of my face and hugs me once more as my brother's rush past us with Nana and Micheal says "poor Nana she was lonely without us" and I hear father scoff in my ear and I bite my lip to keep from giggling. John's voice carries as they reach the living room "poor Nana, she is probably pet deprived" father sighs and shakes his head pulling away from our hug and reaching outside to grab his bags.

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