the aftermath part 2

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(Image is Wendy's outfit for this chapter)

Wendy's POV

I opened my eyes to soft footsteps making their way down the hall, and the sound of someone's lawn mower somewhere on the street.
I lay there dosing in and out of sleep and awake before I finally give in.
I sigh to myself and attempt to sit up, but micheal's small arm wrapped around my middle prevents me from doing so.

I smile, and find mr.Teddy for micheal to hold instead. I slowly and cautiously sit up and remove micheal's arms from me and quickly set Mr. Teddy in my place as I reach for my glasses and take off towards the bathroom.
I use the bathroom and brush my teeth, I find my contact solution and remove my contacts, thankfully I have the the type that you are able to sleep in and use again the next day, I always forget to take them out. I wash my face and pull on my glasses.

 I wash my face and pull on my glasses

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I quietly make my way back to my room. I check to make sure I haven't bothered micheal as I gently open my closet and find a pair of shorts and a thin t-shirt and a long sleeved button down striped shirt out of my small suitcase. I gently shut the door and tiptoe out of the room , gently closing the door on my way out.

I make my way back to the bathroom and I change into my clothes, I pull my hair up in a messy bun and as I observe myself I smile softly, I feel comfortable here, no uniform, no dress code, no aunt millicent telling me what I need to be the perfect girl. A frown settles on my face after that thought and I'm forced to recall the email I read yesterday, can she really force me back?. I shake my head making a few pieces of hair fall in my face and take a calming breath and re-emerge out of the bathroom.

As I walk down the stairs I don't see mother, I open her bedroom door and I don't see her there either. I shrug to myself and make my way into the kitchen and I find a note that reads.

"Good morning my Darling, we'll be back soon. Went on a quick grocery trip. See you soon my dears."

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