new friendship part 1

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((Peter's pov of his conversation and experience with Wendy Darling as something other than enemies))

Peter's pov

I leave Wendy's room right behind her shaking my head. Wendy Darling is not at all what she seems to be.. my eyes absently follow Wendy as she walks towards her brothers rooms
while I head to the bathroom.
All that soda I drank earlier is finally catching up with me. I sigh as I shut myself in the mostly undecorated bathroom. It looks like they have the main toiletries out all over the place. I smile seeing the small mess in the seemingly perfect house.

I wash my hands and dry them on the mismatched Towel and run my damp fingers through my hair. I take one look in the mirror and sigh to myself.
I pull open the door and immediately collide with Wendy. I scowl annoyed she was waiting on me, who the hell waits for somebody outside of the bathroom that's freaky. I open my mouth ready to tell her off but I realize she looks really scared and is practically falling over trying to get past me. I quickly steady her and guide her back to her room watching her trying to let her calm down.

I guide her to her mattress to take a seat and possibly regain her bearings. I shut her bedroom door and lean down next to her.
I ask her over and over again if she okay and what happend and what's wrong. My mind is all over the place, she was fine minutes ago. My eyes scan her for any physical injuries even though that makes zero sense given her behavior. Finding nothing my eyes search her face hoping she'd tell me what's wrong. Watchung Wendy like this is putting me in a panic the girl is having trouble breathing and her eyes are so unfocused I can't seem to catch her eye at all.

I hear a scratching sound at her bedroom door and I leap away from Wendy in surprise. Wendy points to her door with an unsteady hand and I quickly scramble to the door. I open the door and the large Saint Bernard trots past me and jumps on Wendy's bed licking her face. I watch the interaction and notice that Wendy has zero reaction. I watch as the gentle dog climbs her way up Wendy's lap resting her paws on Wendy's chest.
I watch in surprise as Wendy threads her fingers through the dogs fur and buries her face in the dog's neck.

I hear Wendy's breathing even out and the tight grip she had on Nana's fur loosens slightly. Wendy pulls her face back from the dogs neck and I'm happy to see she's not as pale as she was and her eyes are actually focusing on Nana instead of bouncing around I let out a sigh of relief at the sight. The calm girl in front of me is a welcome sight to the panicking girl I was just dealing with. I see her lay backwards on the bed and I watch her readjust her hold on the dog.
She sighs turning to look up at me "sorry you had to see that" I see her finger absently brushing across the paw that's on her chest. I frown "don't worry about me at all, are you okay you were burning up and shaky" Wendy Darling is something else after just barely coming back to her senses she apologizes to me. I see her wince at my words and I mentally scowl at myself for making her wince.

Wendy opens her mouth "im alright, just a minor panic attack" her voice is soft. My eyes widen that was a minor panic attack, a minor attack. She scared me half to death and she blows it off like it's completely normal. I see Wendy sigh and sit up laying Nana beside her instead of on top of her.
I take a seat next to Wendy on the bed my eyes still studying her face. "She seems really good at calming you down, she must have some experience with it" I say still lost on how quickly Wendy calmed down a soon as Nana was there. Wendy nods slowly running her hand across the dogs head "unfortunately for a while nana was the only one who knew how bad they could get" her tone is softer than I expected it to be. Based on how Wendy is acting I can tell she doesn't want me to know what this was about. I don't push her scared to trigger another freak out so I gently bump her shoulder with mine.

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