video games

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( Peter and wendy are finally gonna play some video games and Wendy is not prepared for Peter's game mode and Peter is panicking, penny is enjoying it all.)

Wendy's pov

Once we get upstairs into Peter's room, he drops across the bed on his stomach and I realize this is the first time we've ever really hung out by ourselves, except the night before I left. That didn't go well and i had plenty of time to figure out why that ended so badly, I kissed his cheek, which definitely made him uncomfortable. So I'm not sure what level of comfort actually exists just between us when there is no other person to act as a buffer. However he looks relaxed and has a controller already in his hand. I'm trying decide where to take my seat while he selects the game and the loading screen appears.

If I automatically sit on the bean bag, will he think that I don't want to sit with him? Will he change his demeanor on me again? If I sit on the bed, will that make him uncomfortable? Will he get tense again and get snippy on me? My internal debate must've been obvious on my face because Peter voices his opinion on my dilemma. "You know I don't mind you sitting here right?" His tone is amused and I don't reply as I make my decision and settle into the end of his bed by the edge wanting to make sure this okay. I usually sit by him in groups, not when there are other open options so I'm not sure how close to sit to him is acceptable.

Peter doesn't look satisfied and shakes his head at me as he turns his body towards me. "Wendy I don't bite I promise."  I can tell he's  concerned about my behavior as he hands me the other remote. I nod my head as I reach out and pull the remote free from his grasp. "I know that Peter."  I tell him in a soft voice unsure where my sudden discomfort around him is coming from. I snap out of thought when he nods dejectedly twisting back so he's laying on his stomach again.
I feel sort of bad for my standoff behavior even if I'm unsure where it came from, and I take a calming breath before I scoot closer towards him. I pull my legs up into a criss cross pattern and make sure to keep my shoes off his bed. I wiggle in place getting little more comfortable in my spot as Peter selects his weapons class.

It's been a while since I've played so I read through the options in front of me with uncertainty. Next to me Peter turns himself to face me and I barley pay him any mind waiting for him to tell me I'm taking to long to choose but he remains silent. I scan through my options once more before decding on a single shot sniper rifle and a machine gun as my weapons. "Are we going against each other?" I question as I hover over the options, waiting on his answer. I feel his eyes on me but I keep my focus on the TV in front of me. "If you want." He's says and I hum softly, deciding it might be nice to try a team round. I'm out of practice and he was playing last night, so this way he won't be after me yet.

I smile to myself as I select the same team as him. "Let's see how good we are together." I glance down to see if that's okay with Peter and he nods slowly before turning his head back to face the TV, I notice his ears are tinted pink. I don't think anything of it as the game loads up and our screen splits. "I don't quite recall the controls, so apologies in advance." I whisper slightly embarrassed to admit that I'm probably going to be horrible first few rounds. Peter nods and then after a moment he sits up mirroring my position and scooting over so our knees are touching. "Here let me show you" I watch as he leans over more into my space so his side is pressed against mine and holds his controller in between us. I flush and turn my attention towards the controller.

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