another apology

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(Wendy's had enough of Peter's game and Peter's absolutely losing his mind)

Wendys pov

I'm woken up by Jane dropping on my mattress belting out the lyrics to This is Gospel by panic at the disco, effectively scaring me and making me scream as I fall to the floor with a resounding thud. Jane laughs as she struggles to continue singing through her laughter " if you love me. let me gooo." There are breaks of laughter in between as i glare up at her from my spot on the floor. She has the decency to offer me a hand to help me up, i take it considering pulling her down on the ground with me. she smiles at me as i stand up "morning sunshine." I roll my eyes at her as i playfully glare at her "morning, sleeping beauty." She lilts her head at me as i pass her on my way to the bathroom "sleeping beauty?" i laugh as i reach the doorway to the bathroom turning to look at her over my shoulder "mhm, you snore." I hear her gasp as i close the door behind myself to start my morning routine. I quickly finish using the restroom and wash my hands using the excess water to splash my face, before i brush my teeth. Once I'm done i look up at myself in the mirror and run a brush through my tangled hair. Once it looks presentable, I step out of the bathroom only to be met with a pillow to the face, i stumble back in surprise and my mouth drops open as Jane smirks at me "I do not snore" I laugh as i dive on her bed to grab a pillow to defend myself. i grab one blocking her next hit and she laughs at me "take it back, Darling." I grin at her raising my pillow "never!" She grins at me " you're not prepared for the beating I'll put down on you" I roll my eyes "Bring it on, Porter I've got brothers." Her eyes widen and she tosses the pillow on the bed "I surrender, Breakfast?" i nod smacking her once with the pillow and then tossing it on the bed "let's get breakfast." She scowls at me as she blows a hair out of her face "that wasn't very nice, just get changed." I nod at her as I make my way to the closet to find my clothes for day.

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