video games 2

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(Peter's pov of his time with his favorite person and his mom catching them being adorable.)

Peter's pov

I know how into my gaming I get from playing with the lost boys over the years, But playing with Wendy is definitely not what I was expecting at all. Shes highly amused by my reactions to the things happening on screen. However only thing that seems to male her gasp and pause momentarily is swearing. It's the cutest thing I have ever seen, she turns a light shade of pink and ducks her head while she bites her lip. I've been teasing her using multiple strings of curse words just to see what she does, and she has yet to disappoint me with her reactions. While doing that we have played a few different modes of the game. I won't even lie, she's not bad at playing once she got comfortable with her actions and she beat me a few times. 

After playing Halo for a while, she suggested we play something else and I ignored her suggestion because I was winning. However when one of the ghosts I had stolen was halfway across the bridge an alien wasted me, I gave up. In annoyance I got up to switch the game to another, i tossed the halo game case across the room. I glance at Wendy who is still witting on my bed eyeing the case laying on the floor. I roll my eyes at her point of focus as I flop back down on my stomach next to her. While I shift into a more comfortable position, I notice her small smile in my direction.  I wonder idly if I was meant to see that smile at all.

She lifts her arms upwards stretching, and I grin as I extend my arm poking her now vulnerable rib. She immediately jumps and glares at me as she drops her arms back down. "No." I laugh at her as she rolls her eyes standing up. She stands before she drops the controller on the bed, lifting up to her tip toes for a moment. "get it set up , I'll be right back." The first part starts like a question and ends as a statement. I nod agreeing with her request as she leaves the room. Once she's gone, I grab her controller and begin setting up the game for both of us. I smile to myself as I check the time on my phone, and notice a few texts from Tinkerbell. I roll my eyes a I relock the screen, ignoring them on purpose.

Wendy comes back and I barely acknowledge her as she crosses the floor. She makes her way over to the bed and climbs up onto the foot of the bed. Wendy settles next to me on her stomach, mirroring my position. Her mimicking me is actually really cute and normally I'd strive to be different from other and get annoyed by anyone doing exactly the same things I did, but I really don't mind the way Wendy does it. I smile as I hand her back her controller. "you mimicking me Darling?" I question, wondering if she even realized she was doing it. She hums softly as if thinking about her response as she shifts in place getting more comfortable. "I just might be Pan."  lift an eyebrow at her smart-ass response.  "You are lucky you're cute." The moment that the words leave my mouth my eyes double in size and Wendy's widen slightly.

Panic alarm start going off in my head, cause I definitely didn't mean to say that out loud. Especially in front of Wendy about my internal thoughts about Wendy. "uh that's not what-"  I start at the same time Wendy does "you think i'm -" We both stop speaking after cutting each other off. We stare at each other in silence neither of us seem to know how begin this conversation. She is looking at me with uncertainty and something else in her eyes that I can't quite place. We have matching red faces as we both attempt to speak at the same time once more. " i just meant-" "you really-" Bot our mouths snap shut once more. I can't find the words with her staring at me like that. I shake my head hoping that I can talk my way out of this awkward situation. 

I sit up needing to have more distance between us, so I can actually talk and make sense at the same time. "I just meant that your personality is cut-" I immediately panic at almost saying it again. That damn word that always stays in the forefront of my mind whenever she's around. "I don't mean your ugly or anything just not-" I stop myself by dragging my own hand down my face. Thats also not what I meant to say at all, and I haven't been able to say what I was trying to say to fix this mess. I internally wince at my own rambling, noticing Wendy sit up as well but she adds some distance between us, which in this case I'm thankful for. 

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