continued :day at the mall.

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( next day after the mall incident)

Wendy's pov

After having that very awkward run in with Peter at the mall, perriwnkle suggested that we leave Rufio to deal with his friend. I was very against the idea, but she ignored all my protests. She linked arms with me and physically dragged me out of the store, telling me we needed to keep her sister from seeing Peter. That did the trick for me, knowing how upset he was with her to begin with, and seeing her might not end well for either of them. I know that Peter had been harsh to me in the past and hadn't even done anything to him, I would hate to imagine how it would go about as a retaliation.
Rufio also assured me that he would be fine and squeezed my shoulder before wandering off in the direction Peter went in. Perriwinkle made me promise not to tell tink or Rosetta that we saw Peter there at all. We pinky swore and pretended to be talking about something else when we met back up with her sister and her friend.

The girls had some bags from forever 21, and were very happy to see us. I was surprised when Tinkerbell pulled me into a hug. "Can we start over, I'm sorry I judged you before I knew you wendy." I'm crushed in a tight hug and I nod against her shoulder. "It's alright, I'm sorry I was a little rude back there in the store." She pulls back with a audible gasp and waves me off. "No way, I totally deserved it."Perriwinkle smiles at me with a wink and I offer a small smile. After speaking to Tink, I'm still skeptical and I'm glad that Perriwinkle convinced me not to tell her that we saw Peter. I still don't fully trust her and this experience hasnt been very convincing to me that I should.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by
Rosetta squealing excitedly announcing that we needed to go to bath and body works for some sale.
Perriwinkle and I share a look as Tink and Rosetta link arms and giggle to one another. We trail after them with our arms brushing every so often, at a much less excited pace. Tink gasps loudly and i stiffle my laugh behind my hand at way Perriwinkle mocks her. Perriwinkle and I separate once we get to the store entrance and I make my way over to the sweet smelling lotions and sprays reading the names on the bottles. My aunt was always very particular about what she let me buy perfume wise.

She said a lady must always smell delicate and feminine. She didn't like overly strong smells, said it made woman cheap. I however never shared her point of view, I loved that whenever I spent over an hour on Alice's room my clothes would begin to smell like her flowery perfume. I loved that when I was overwhelmed with something happening, I could tell Baelfire was there by his cologne mixed with his shampoo and body soap. It was comforting in a way to me.
Whereas my own room always smelt like clean linen, and my clothes didn't smell much different than my detergent. There was one type of perfume my aunt liked me to wear, she always said it was ladylike and classy, to me it smelt outdated and often made me wash my clothes or sheet frequently.
My mother threw that bottle of perfume into the trash can when we packed up, stating how awful the smell was. I had been using mothers when necessary and Jane's been letting me borrow some of hers to try and figure out what type of scent I liked on myself.

I glance at a label in a pink spray bottle that says something about sweetness, a lady walking around in uniform points out the tester bottle to me. I offer her a thankful smile and spray a little on the small piece of decorative cardboard. The scent of Alice's favorite fair food, cotton candy fills the air around me. I smile to myself and set the bottle down.
I glance at another bottle and as my fingers reach for it, Tinkerbell appears smiling at me. "There's so many choices here, I personally really like the ones that smell more natural " Rosetta appears on my othe side with a small bag with the stores name printed on it. "I like the floral scents, I really love the Japanese cherry blossom."  I nod my head slowly, not sure what I'm meant to add to either of those statements.

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