eggos for breakfast.

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(((( Peter is a deep sleeper and wendy has no idea what she's signing up for by walking into the Pan house today.))))

Peter's pov

I wrinkle my nose as something touches it and I turn my head the opposite way to ignore whatever is trying to bother me. Not wanting to open my eyes but now on high alert depsite my best attempts to stay asleep. A familiar voice speaks above me and I open one eye to see my mom with one lifted eyebrow. I sigh turning my body away from her and closing my eyes again. "You're not sleeping all day." I huff burying my face in my sheets. "I'm not going to, my alarm will go off." I'm not sure if she can even hear me but I hope my point was made. There's a moment of silence before my mom sighs patting my shoulder. "If you're not up in the next three hours, I'm waking you up my way." I hum into my pillow subconsciously agreeing with her and she pushes off the mattress and leaves my room.

Little did I know how serious my mom actually was. My alarm did in fact go off, but i unknowingly silenced it and went back to sleep.
My mom however, she followed through with her deal.The next time I was woken up it was by some gentle shaking of my shoulder. I turned my body towards where she has to be standing and sigh. "This isn't so bad, I was expecting worse." I mumble. "I'm not quite sure what you mean, but your-" my eyes fly open as I pick up on what is not my moms voice. "Mother told me to come wake you up." My eyes meet Wendy's blue ones and she gives me a small awkward smile.

I feel my face flush and I drop my arm over my face with a wince, hoping she didn't see my quickly reddening ears. "Of course she did." I mumble to myself as I drag my hand down my face and sit up against my pillows.  Wendy's blue eyes widen and her cheeks turn a shade of pink as she turns her face towards my windows instead. I lift one eyebrow at the blushing girl confused by her behavior. I take a moment to look her over, no glasses today and her hair is pulled back from her face into a butterfly shaped hair clip. I yawn stretching my arms out and a new wave of embarrassment hits me as I realize I'm shirtless and that's probably why she turned away.

I'm not skin and bones but I'm not super built either, so I know I don't look bad shirtless. But I know Wendy wasn't expecting it and she's trying to be polite by looking away.  "Sorry, I just didn't want to get up today." I tell her as I grab the t shirt I was wearing last night and slip it over my head. Wendy's focus shifts to me and she shakes her head. "No worries, I'm not sure if I'm too early. I tried to tell your mom that you might be sleeping in on purpose and that it was a possibility that you mightve just forgotten-" I use my hand cover her mouth to silence her and shake my head. "Stop rambling, I'm not awake enough yet Darling." She looks up at me and nods and I drop my hand from her mouth. "Alright I'll be back, if you want to turn on the playstation, it should be set up  already."  Another silent nod is all I get as I head for the bathroom, leaving her in my room.

Wendy's pov

When I wake up I turn to my nightstand and unplug my phone, I'm shocked to see my alarm hasn't went off yet and I yawn as I unlock the screen and see a missed call, I tap the phone icon and I have to do a double take at the missed calls. Two are from Bae and one is from a number not saved in my phone.
I don't recognize the area code off the top of my head and I glance past the unknown number and smile as I see Peter's name under neath it.
I'm still happy he called me and I'm glad we were able to talk to each other comfortably.

I notice that I have two voice mails as well and I frown as I press play on them pressing the phone against my ear. The automated voice is replaced by Bae's and he simply says. "Stupid time zones." There's some indistinct mumbling as well but I can't make out what he's saying before the line cuts. The next one is a boy. "Hey Wendy, it's Edward I got your number from Baelfire, just wanted to give you a heads up. Me, you and Ariel are in a group for history. Uh anyways, have a good night."  The calls ends and I erase both voice mails, adding the unknown number in my phone as Edward.

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